Videos: Building too close and trash disposal staging @ ZBOA 2018-02-06

They approved both contentious cases, but not unanimously.

Joshua Stevens of Wendover Road, according to pictures submitted by neighbor Franklin J. Richards II, built a building eight inches from another building. “Staff Recommendation: Find inconsistent with the Variance Fteview Criteria and deny the requests.”

Eight inches and ten inches

ZBOA Chairman Allan Strickland was not present, so Mac McCall chaired. However, for this first case he recused himself, and Gretchen Quarterman chaired. Staff Tracy Tolley suggested tabling to get more information. Nathaniel Brantley moved to approve citing “the City of Valdosta’s LDR version of criteria”, and John Hogan seconded. Those two and Victoria Copeland voted for. Paul Alvarado and Nancy Hobby voted against. Motion passed 3:2.

Deep South Sanitation (DSS) of Tucker Road apparently has been using a neighboring lot as a staging area for trash trucks without permit approval, and there’s a complaint by Steve Edwards of Evergreen Landfill. Staff recommended approving DSS’s variance with conditions.

survey plat

Mac McCall resumed chairing the meeting for this item. After almost an hour of discussion, Gretchen Quarterman made a motion to approve the variance with the conditions provided by staff.

conditions for ZBOA APP-2018-02

City Planner Matt Martin said he wanted to separate out the use conditions. She modified the motion to do that by selecting conditions, such as to make the fence be correct, but not condition number six (conditional use expires if business permits do). She noted that condition number 1 says for this business only, not for any other such business. The maximum number 10 of trucks came up repeatedly; it’s in condition number 4. John Hogan seconded the motion. She, he, Nathaniel Brantley, Paul Alvarado, and Victoria Copeland voted for. Nancy Hobby voted against. Motion passed 5:1.

See also the agenda and the packet materials.

Here’s a LAKE video playlist:

Videos: Building too close and trash disposal staging
Regular Session, Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 6 February 2018.


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