One case each from the seldom seen Cities of Dasher and Remerton, plus five from Valdosta and three from Lowndes County, at last week’s Planning Commission meeting; video up shortly.
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park
Monday, January 29, 2018 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
- Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge
- Welcome New Member — Ed Hightower (County Appointee)
- Approval of the Meeting Minutes: November 27, 2017
FINAL ACTION by the City of Lake Park Mayor-Council
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Lake Park City Hall, 120 N. Essa Street, Lake Park, Georgia
Point of Contact: Ann Peterson, City Clerk (229) 559-7470
- LP-2018-1 City of Lake Park – Text Amendments — Lake Park Subdivision Regulations
Request by City of Lake Park to amend the Subdivision Regulations for the City of the Lake Park pertaining to Section 4-1.2, Sections 4-1.3, and Section 4-2.CITY OF DASHER CASE : Video.
FINAL ACTION by the City of Dasher Mayor-Council
Monday, February 5, 2018
Dasher City Hall, 3686 Old U.S. Hwy 41 South, Valdosta, Georgia,
6:00 p.m.
Point of Contact: Tonia Studstill, Dasher City Clerk (229) 559-3146
- DA-17-01 Trey and Britney Copeland Location: 3963 Poppy Farm Road
Request for a
Variance to the City of Dasher’s Subdivision regulations as it pertains to Minimum Lot WidthCITY OF VALDOSTA CASES : Video.
FINAL ACTION by the City of Valdosta Mayor-Council
Thursday, February 8, 2017[sic]
Valdosta City Hall, 216 E. Central Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 5:30 pm
Point of Contact: Matt Martin, City Planning and Zoning Administrator (229) 259-3563
- VA-2018-01 VMC Investments LLC
Property Location: 1828 East Park Avenue
Request to rezone 3.25 acres from Environmental Resource (E-R) to Community Commercial (C-C)- VA-2018-02 MDG Properties LLC
Property Location: 1501, 1507, 1509 Miramar Street, and 612 & 614 Baytree Road
Request to rezone a total of 1.47 acres from Single-Family Residential (R-10) and Neighborhood Commercial (C-N), to Multi-Family Residential (R-M) and Community Commercial (C-C)- VA-2018-03 Edward Jennings LLC
Property Location: 205 Tucker Road
Request to rezone 10.88 acres from Environmental Resource (E-R) to Heavy Industrial (M-2)- CU-2018-01 Aqua Term Inc.
Property Location: 612 Baytree Road
Request Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Pest Control business in C-C zoning- CU-2018-02 Deep South Sanitation LLC
Property Location: 205 Tucker Road
Request Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Solid Waste Hauling operation and accessory Solid Waste Transfer Station in M-2 zoningLOWNDES COUNTY CASES:
FINAL ACTION by the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Lowndes County Judicial and Administrative Complex
Commission Chambers (2nd Floor)
327 N. Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia, 5:30 pm
Point of Contact: Jason Davenport, County Planner (229) 671-2430
- REZ-2018-01 Anthony & Sandra Simmons
Property Location: 3881 Bemiss Road
Request to rezone 0.89 acres from R-10 (Suburban Density Residential) to C-G (General Commercial)- REZ-2018-02 Jackson R. Langdale on behalf of CR Ventures, LLC and Jimmy L. Watkins, Jr.
Property Location: Rocky Ford Road
Request to rezone ~71 acres from its present E-A (Estate Agricultural) and C-C (Crossroads Commercial) to PD-R (Rural Planned Development) and E-A (Estate Agricultural)- REZ-2018-03 Cody Califf on behalf of Diana Guy
Property Location: 2497 Madison Highway
Request to rezone 4.04 acres from its present C-G (General Commercial) zoning district to C-G (General Commercial) and C-H (Highway Commercial) zoning district- REZ-2017-01 City of Remerton
Property Location: 1853 W. Gordon Street Open Comments for Multi-Family/Community Commercial (Remerton Mill Apartments)
Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!
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