New Valdosta City Council members @ VCC 2018-01-11

New members top the agenda for tonight: Eric Howard (District 4) and Andy Gibbs (District 6).

5:30 PM Thursday, January 11, 2018

Eric Howard

  1. Opening Ceremonies
    1. Call to Order
    2. Invocation
    3. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
  2. Reading of Election Results
    1. Reading of the 2017 General Municipal Election Results and Run-off Election Results.
  3. Oaths of Office
    1. Oath of Office for City Council Districts 2, 4, and 6.

    Andy Gibbs

  4. Election of Mayor Pro Tem and Oath of Office
    1. Election of the Mayor Pro Tem and Oath of Office.
  5. Awards and Presentations
    1. Presentation of the Municipal Audit for Fiscal Year 2017.
    2. Consideration of the January, 2018 Employee of the Month Award (Ronnie Lancaster, Utilities Department).
  6. Minutes Approval
    1. Valdosta City Council – Rescheduled Regular Meeting – Dec 14, 2017 5:30 PM
  7. Bids, Contracts, Agreements and Expenditures
    1. Consideration of bids for the Cured-In-Place»Pipe (CIPP) Lining Project.
  8. Local Funding and Requests
    1. Consideration of revisions to the City of Valdosta’s Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction Manual
  9. Boards, Commissions, Authorities, and Advisory Committees
    1. Consideration of an appointment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Airport Authority,
  10. Citizens to be Heard
  11. City Manager’s Report
  12. Council Comments
  13. Adjournment


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One thought on “New Valdosta City Council members @ VCC 2018-01-11

  1. Pingback: Videos: New Valdosta City Council members, resolution to stop state fee diversions @ VCC 2018-01-11 | On the LAKE front

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