Twenty five minutes on
7. REZ-2017-14 Cothron 5310 Tucker Road 5 acres from E-A to R-A
to split out two 2.5 acre house lots and a home business office
(is there a deed restriction?),
fourteen minutes on a storage building in
3. VA-2017-16 220-224 Myddleton Road 0.58 acres from R-6 to M-2
(probably will be at ZBOA for a variance later),
and six minutes each on
5. REZ-2017-12 West Ridge Business Park 1.2 acres from C-G to C-H
4. VA-2017-17 City of Valdosta LDR text amendments.
Everything else sailed through.
They nominated the same Chair and Vice-Chair as currently: Franklin Bailey and Jody Hall. County Planner Jason Davenport pointed out traditionally they rotate every two years, but the Commission could decide to keep the same officers, and they did.
Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda.
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge
2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: October 30, 2017
3. VA-2017-16 220-224 Myddleton Road 0.58 acres from R-6 to M-2
Video. The applicant wanted to store his heavy manufacturing equipment in it, and he didn’t see any need for a fence. A local citizen said she had a petition against it; she didn’t seem to believe the applicant’s assurances. Commissioner Brad Folsom moved to recommend approval, Commissioner Jody Hall seconded, and it passed 5 to 1, with Commissioner Lou McLendon opposing.
4. VA-2017-17 City of Valdosta LDR text amendments
5. REZ-2017-12 West Ridge Business Park 1.2 acres from C-G to C-H
Video. Second rezoning in two months at West Ridge Business Park, which does not appear to be among the eight Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority business parks, none of which appear to be on the agenda for today’s Planning Commission meeting.
Lowndes County Tax Assessors, Parcel 0059 140B, 2812 Cameron Lane -
6. REZ-2017-13 Quattlebaum-Meadors -N Valdosta Rd 3.46 acres from R-21 to C-H
7. REZ-2017-14 Cothron 5310 Tucker Road 5 acres from E-A to R-A
Video. County Planner Jason Davenport said he checked with PCA, which has no objection to the rezoning. The variance request for a home office (which will probably show up at ZBOA) may have opposition.
Applicant said he wanted to make one 2.5 acre lot rental property (mobile home on the south lot), and “reserve the other for my kids” (the north lot). He lives on the back half, which is apparently seven acres. The WRPDO map seems to show wetlands on the site. Jerome Tucker spoke for the request as being “consistent with what’s down there”; he had gotten several calls; and he had discussed it with the applicant.
Doran Bland of 5721 Jumping Gully Road said “we have a responsibility for clean water”, pointing out the wetland that runs in flood from the subject property to his property, which is the tomahawk-shaped parcel to the southwest on Jumping Gully Road. He noted the neighbors had previously organized to keep out mobile homes and for a relative a landowner could split out a property as small as one acre. He also expressed concern about vanishing farmland and mentioned the subject property was in a conservation easement. You can see on the VALORGIS map below that it is in an area that is supposed to be agribusiness and forestry.
Map: VALORGIS.County Planner Jason Davenport in response to a question from Commissioner Vicki Rountree said that by county rules the applicant could subdivide five acres and put a mobile home on it as a matter of right without rezoning. Unless there was a deed restriction on that property like there is on another property to the south.
5332 Tucker Road, Lowndes County Tax AssessorsGreg Fielding of 5332 Tucker Road said he is the adjacent property owner. He owns the parcel south of the subject property between it and the Bland property and to the west; see above map. Fielding said his family moved back after a career in the military and expected to stay there, and he didn’t want to be looking at a mobile home every day. He seconded everything Mr. Bland said, and verified that he had a deed restriction on his property. County Planner Jason Davenport said he was still looking for any restriction on the deed of the subject property.
A Planning Commissioner noted that if there was a deed restriction, it would supersede anything the Planning Commission recommended anyway. Motion by Brad Folsom, second by Johnny Ball, to recommend approval, passed 4:1:1.
8. REZ-2017-15 Flythe Company 3885 Old U.S. HWY 41 -0.46 acres from E-A to C-G
Other Business, nomination of chair/vice chair, holiday gathering
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Cothron on Tucker Road and second West Ridge Business Park rezoning
Regular Session, Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 27 November 2017.
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