Update 2017-06-18: Videos: Paving, animals, speed zones, prison work details, fees @ LCC 2017-06-13.
A rare event this morning at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session:
neither Scruggs nor Reames bid on the
Resurfacing of Five County Roads and Two Alternate Projects,
and the Commissioners don’t like the bids they got.
What will they do Tuesday evening?
Accept none and try again later?
They also
went into an executive session about pending litigation.
See the agenda. See also the LAKE videos of the preceding Greater Lowndes Planning Commission meeting for the New Statenville Highway rezoning for a Dollar General.
1. CAll to Order 4. MInutes for Approval
5a. REZ-2017-06 New Statenville Hwy, P-D to C-G
6 a. Speed Zone Ordinance
Video. County Engineer Mike Fletcher said the only change is for GA 133 from Brooks County to Valdosta City Limits.
6b. Annual Contract Renewal for Prison Work Details
Video. One to engineering for stormwater, the other two to public engineering for road maintenance.
6 c. Lowndes County Board of Health New Fee Schedule
Video. Kyle Coppage of the Board of Health spoke, noting the county does provide some funding, as well.
6 d. FY 18 Grant Award- Accountability Court- For State Court
6 e. Declaration of Surplus and Authorization of Sale
Video. Deep South Sanitation wants to purchase the roll off carts that they have been leasing. Finance Director Stephanie Black wants to price them at $2500, apparently for the lot.
7 a. Resurfacing of FIve County Roads and Two Alternate Projects
Video. It’s more than a million dollars in LMUG grant funds from the state for road projects all over the county, and Commissioners aren’t happy with the bids. County Engineer Mike Fletcher clarified that the fire station project will be paid for by the fire department, and the utilities department will pay for its own, so those are in as alternates, not to be paid out of the road fund. Also rumble strips such as they put on the side of Val Del. Seldom-speaking Commissioner Joyce Evans asked about the bids. Chairman Bill Slaughter wanted to know if the others had been at the bid meeting. Answer: yes, they just chose not to bid. The low bid was apparently from a company named H&H, which has done one project with the city, “and I don’t know if they’ll have another one.” Apparently the city had to make them redo it due to material preparation and application. The biggest part of this package seems to be Loch Laurel Road, which they widened two feet on each side, with one foot of that intended for rumble strips.
8. Reports – County Manager – request for executive session
Video. They went into an executive session about pending litigation.
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Dollar General, speed zones, prison work details, fees, road bid fail
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, June 12, 2017.
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