Tonight at 5:30 PM they vote on what they discussed
yesterday morning at the Lowndes County Commission.
But you won’t hear the
Zika Presentation by Ken Lowery;
that was only in the Work Session.
It was by far the longest item, at seven minutes, longer than all the rest of the meeting, which took less than six minutes.
The second longest item at almost a minute and a half was
abandonment of a portion of Ponce de Leon Trail (CR 374).
You will see them adopt the Fiscal Year 2018 budget. See the previous post for more background about the budget requests that the county almost all denied.
Below are links to each LAKE video of yesterday morning’s Work Session, with a very few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also the agenda.
1. Call to Order 4. Minutes for Approval
5 a. Abandonment of a portion of Ponce de Leon Trail (CR 374)
Video. The Cunningham family wants to take in yard and put a gate up. County Engineer Mike Fletcher noted the county had abandoned previous sections of this same road. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wanted to know more about what parts of it are still maintained.
5b. Resolution accepting infrastucture for Creekside West Phase IV
Video. The roads and the storm drains will remain private.
5 c. Hotel/Motel Tax FY2018 County Budget Plan
Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black said state law requires the county to adopts a budget plan for hotel/motel tax, including the plan from the Tourism Authority, which was expected to adopt its plan the following morning (this morning).
5 d. Adoption of Fiscal Year 2018 Budget
Video. Nothing new. See the previous post for background about the budget requests that the county almost all denied.
6 e. Motorola Support Agreement for Offendertrak and PMDC
Video. Ritual annual approval.
6 f. Easement Agreement Marlene Meeks Fairway Circle
Video. Utilities Director Steve Stalvey said it was to install a permanent flush line.
5g. Utilities relocation and quitclaim at Val-Tech Pump Station
Video. Utilities Director Steve Stalvey said it was about the widening of Shiloh Road, so that’s where this pump station is. Chairman Bill Slaughter said it was all about exit 22 improvements.
6. Reports- County Manager- Zika Presentation by Ken Lowery
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said the Lowndes County Department of Public Health would like to make a presentation about the Zika virus. Ken Lowery presented. Mosquitoes spread it, and there are other methods of transmission such as sexual transmission. Unlike other mosquito-born viruses, this one can cause birth defects. We don’t have Zika in Lowndes County; the warning was about getting it while traveling, identification of affected parties, nearby mosquitoes, and methods of preventing spread.
8. Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Budget, Tax, Sewage Pump Station, Road Abandonment, Zika
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, June 26, 2017.
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