The three rezonings back
the agenda
after being tabled were
tabled again,
They meet again this morning at 8:30 AM to consider
that tabled rezoning and other matters.
See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, the LAKE videos of when they were tabled last month, and the LAKE videos of last November’s Planning Commission meeting for those three rezonings.
Below are links to LAKE videos from each item, with a few notes, followed by a video playlist.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Recognition of Elected Officials
4. Minutes for Approval
5a. REZ-2016-19 Turnberry at Thompson,
Video. GLPC Recommendation (R-21 Zoning): Denial
TRC Recommendations: Pending 01/03 TRC Meeting turned into recommending R-A.
Developers originally asked for R21 (half acre lots) , changed to R-1 (one acre lots) and commissioners approved RA (2.5 acre lots)
Dr. Betsy Perry-Dacker spoke against for neighbors from far around. This was historically the Wilkins farm, and many of the neighbors are still agricultural, the rezoning does not match the Comprehensive Plan, and Thomson Road could not support the traffic density at the original R-21 zoning. However, the neighbors can support R-A zoning.
Nobody spoke in favor. Demarcus Marshall moved to approve R-A zoning. Second I think by Mark Wisenbaker. Approved 4:1; I couldn’t tell who voted against.
5b. REZ-2016-21 Seago, 4678 US Hwy 41 S
Video. Tabled again still waiting for 1.5 acre deal with neighbors.
5c.REZ-2016-23 Branham Project, 2480 Copeland Rd
Video. TRC Recommendations: Approval and Approval with Condition(s)
GLPC Recommendation: Approval
Opposition had turned in a petition and applicant a traffic study.Rick Hiss asked if the six petition signatures were in addition to the 39 from before (yes). He said he and the neighbors were opposed to it because it would be too dense for the area, close to a day care center, and it’s already zoned for 1-acre lots.
Ruger Budd spoke against, saying he could hardly get out of his driveway, and naming more local facilities that didn’t want the traffic.
Noted local attorney Roy W. Copeland spoke for applicant Bill Branham, saying the traffic increase wouldn’t be that much; it would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and he had spoken with Colquitt EMC about the neighborhood being intended to be net-zero energy. He quoted Bruce Bailey, formerly with CEMC, in favor of it as the wave of the future.
Commissioner Joyce Evans questioned the applicant about the federal grant he mentioned. No, he doesn’t have it approved.
Commissioner Scottie Orenstein asked County Planner Jason Davenport if there were any changes to the site plan. Nothing other than the affordable housing is not actually going to be in there.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall recused himself (on a previous vote on this he said because he had relatives who owned land nearby). Denied 4:0 with one abstention. Why? Both Staff and GLPC recommended approval. Apparently who you are matters.
5d. Actually – let’s let the room clear (because we only come for our one item).
5d. Beer, Wine &Liquor License El Cazador Express, Inc. – 4920 Old US41S
6a. Beer, Wine & Liquor License Fine Liquor & Libations-3954 Old Hwy 41
6b. Wine License -Naylors Pantry – 87777 Hwy. 135, Naylor, GA
6c. Adoption of the 2017-2018 Budget Calendar
6 d. Approval of Elected Officials Using County Issued Cards
6e. Declaration of Surplus Heavy Equipment and Authorization of Sale
6f. Special Assessment Rate for 2017
6g. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Renewal
6 h. Timber Ridge Consultants, LLC Consulting Agreement
6 i. Engineering Services for Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
6 j. Crossing Closures – Dasher Johnson Road and Kinderlou Road
6 k. Quit Claim Deeds for Abandoned ROW off Pikes Pond Road
6l. Engineering Agreement with CSX for the Old Quitman RD Bridge
6 m. Georgia Department of Transportation LMIG Grant
7 a. CDBG – Children’s Advocacy Center – Construction Bids
8. Reports – County Manager (none)
9. CWTBH (none) 10. Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Turnberry, Seago, and Branham back again, 3 alcohol, and budget
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, January 10, 2017.
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