This morning at 8:30 AM at the Lowndes County Commission, the two subdivisions from the previous Planning Commission meeting,
REZ-2016-16 Livingston Properties, Bemiss Knights Academy Rd and Merriman Ct.
What’s with all the road abandonments these past many months? REZ-2016-17 Grove Pointe Ph 6, Dasher Grove Rd, a public hearing on Abandonment of Strong Road, probably scheduling of one for Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way off of Pikes Pond Road, and finishing up with a Quit Claim Deed for Abandoned Right of Way on Old Miller Concrete Property.
Surveying and engineering for two bridge replacements, on Old Quitman Road and Jumping Gully Road. And the annual renewal of Section 5311 Rural Transportation Program Capital Contract, which is the MIDS on-call bus service, in case you can’t tell from the obscure agenda item.
Plus lots more on the agenda. Will they speed through it all in their usual 15 minutes? They vote tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 5:30 PM.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2016-16 Livingston Properties, Bemiss Knights Academy Rd and Merriman Ct, E-A & R-21 to R-10, Water/Sewer, 6.25 acres
TRC Recommendation: Approval
GLPC Recommendation: Pending 08/29 GLPC MeetingDocuments:Rezoning Case REZ-2016-16.pdf
- REZ-2016-17 Grove Pointe Ph 6, Dasher Grove Rd, R-21, R-10 & R-1 to R-10, Water/Sewer, 124.62 acres
TRC Recommendation: Approval
GLPC Recommendation: Pending 08/29 GLPC MeetingDocuments:Rezoning Case REZ-2016-17.pdf
- Abandonment of Strong Road
Abandon Right of WayDocuments:Abandonment of Strong Road (CR 250).pdf
- For Consideration
- 2015 CDBG, Children’s Advocacy Center, Stafford Wright Rd and Skipper Bridge Rd, Property Transaction
- 2015 CDBG, Children’s Advocacy Center, Stafford Wright Rd and Skipper Bridge Rd, Agreements/Documents
Documents:GA DCA- 2015 CDBG Documents.pdf
- Resolution to Adopt the Lowndes County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution to adopt the update to the Lowndes County Hazard Mitigation Plan.Documents:Resolution to Adopt Lowndes County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.pdf
- Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way off of Pikes Pond Road
Make the Required DeterminationDocuments:Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way Off of Pikes Pond Road.pdf
- Quit Claim Deed for Abandoned Right of Way on Old Miller Concrete Property
Authorize Chairman to sign Quit Claim DeedsDocuments:Quit Claim Deed for Abandoned Right of Way on Old Miller Concrete Property.pdf
- Section 5311 Rural Transportation Program Capital Contract
Approve and Adopt the contract for the replacement of the conversion vans and computer in the 5311 Rural Transportation ProgramDocuments:Section 5311 Rural Transportation Program Capital Contract.pdf
- Surveying and Engineering Service for Old Quitman Road Bridge Replacement
Accept Lovell Engineering for Surveying and Engineering Services for the Old Quitman Road Bridge Replacement ProjectDocuments:Surveying and Engineering Service for Old Quitman Road Bridge Replacement.pdf
- Surveying and Engineering Services for Jumping Gully Road Bridge Replacement
Approve EMC Engineering for Surveying and Engineering services for the Jumping Gully Road Bridge Replacement ProjectDocuments:Surveying and Engineering Service for Jumping Gully Road Bridge Replacement.pdf
- Bids
- Bid for Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
Award the bid items as indicated to Ten-8 Fire Equipment in the amount of $87,074.80 and to Fisher Scientific (Morning Pride) in the amount of $25,499.75 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreementsDocuments:Bid for Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment.pdf
- Reports – County Manager
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
- Adjournment
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