Are they changing the
speed limit on your road?
The county wants to operate and maintain water treatment, wastewater,
and three swimming pools
at Moody AFB.
And the county is
re-evaluating its job descriptions.
Also on the agenda for this morning at 8:30 AM (they vote Tuesday evening at 5:30 PM): reappointing Mac McCall to ZBOA, the Verizon tower from the previous Planning Commission meeting, Abandonment of Strong Road (CR 250), and Execution of the Resolution for the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund for the closed landfill: yes the same one they signed an easement for the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline to go through.
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WORK SESSION, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2016, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Appointments
- County Appointment – Valdosta/Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
County Appointment to the Valdosta-Lowndes County ZBA
Documents:Valdosta- Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals.pdf
- Public Hearings
- TWR-2016-01 Verizon Wireless, 4278 Lakeland Highway, 0210-002, E-A, New ~100′ Tower
TRC Recommendation: Approval
GLPC Recommendation: Approval with 1 Condition (Lighting)Documents:Telecommunications Tower TWR-2016-01 (New Construction).pdf
- Abandonment of Strong Road (CR 250)
Make one or both of the required determinationsDocuments:Abandonment of Strong Road (CR 250).pdf
- For Consideration
- Adopt Resolution accepting Infrastructure for Grammercy Subdivision Phase II
Adopt the ResolutionDocuments:Adopt Resolution Accepting Infrastructure for Grammercy Subdivision Phase II.pdf
- Execution of the Resolution for the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund
Execute the Resolution and the “Agreement Governing Expenditures for State and Local Government Costs”Documents:Execution of the Resolution for the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund.pdf
- Speed Zone Ordinance
Adopt the OrdinanceDocuments:Speed Zone Ordinance.pdf
- Declaration of Surplus Items for Fire Department
Request that the listed items be declared surplus and staff authorized to properly dispose of all items.Documents:Declaration of Surplus Items for the Fire Department.pdf
- Firehouse Software Upgrade
Request authorization for the Fire Department to upgrade Firehouse Software for the amount of $14,420.Documents:Firehouse Software Upgrade.pdf
- Moody AFB Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems Contract
Authorize Chairman to sign contract FA4830-16-P-S001 between Lowndes County and Moody AFB for the operation and maintenance of the Moody AFB water and wastewater treatment systems contract.Documents:Moody AFB Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Contract.pdf
Not included with the agenda, here’s the situation with Moody WWTP, by TEC, which appears to be a Cardno company.
- Contract with Condrey and Associates, Inc.
Approve contract with Condrey and Associates, Inc. to conduct a job description analysis and update study- Bulk Computer Purchase
Approval of purchaseDocuments:Bulk Computer Purchase from Dell.pdf
- Bids
- Bid for Equipment for Fire Apparatus
Recommend awarding bid to the lowest bidder meeting the specifications.Documents:Bid for Equipment for Fire Apparatus.pdf
- Bid for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Equipment
Recommend the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder meeting the specifications.Documents:Bid for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Equipment.pdf
- Reports – County Manager
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
- Adjournment
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Pingback: Videos: Mosquitoes! ZBOA Reappointment, Verizon tower, Strong abandonment, closed landfill @ LCC 2016-08-08 | On the LAKE front