In a very unusual move, they tabled
trust deed or a well system
that a developer wants because he does not want to have property annexed into the city of Valdosta. Valdosta services are across the street.
The Chairman said he asked the Engineer who asked the developer first.
Citizens Lawrence and Helen Williams expressed concern about dogs and a gun at a neighbor’s house.
They unanimously approved everything else on the agenda at the Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission, Tuesday June 14th 2016.
Below are links to each LAKE videos, with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session.
1. Call to Order, 2. Invocation, 3. Pledge
Video. Elizabeth Cabral, Judge Golden, Sheriff Prine, Deputy Adams.
4. Minutes for Approval
5.a. Appointment – KLVB
Video. Reappointed Gregory Powell by acclamation.
5.b. Appointment – Lowndes County DFCS
Video. Reappointed Raymond Connor by acclamation.
5.c. Appointment – South Georgia Community Service Board
Video. Tabled.
5.d. Appointment – Lowndes County Library Board
Video. Jack Hartley’s term is expiring. They appointed Malinda Taylor by acclamation.
6.a. FY 17 Grant Award – Accountability Court- for State Court
Video. See Judge Ellen Goldman’s presentation from the previous morning. Commission Marshall moved to approve, Commission Evans seconded, all in favor.
6.b. FY 17 Grant Award – Accountability Court- for Superior Court
Video. See yesterday morning’s presentation by Jennifer Fabbri. They approved it unanimously.
6.c. Southern Region Traffic Enforcement Network (SRTEN)
Video. Presentation by Deputy Adams. Some cost questions from Commmissioner Scottie Orenstein. Unanimous approval.
6.d. Code Red Service Agreement
Video. See yesterday’s longer presentation by Ashley Tye. Unanimous approval for the added $5,000 and added services.
6.e. Former Wisenbaker/Amoco Service Station -Environmental Services
Video. See yesterday’s longer presentation by Chad McLeod. I have a question: why is the county paying to clean up a mess a private company left? Unanimous approval.
6.f. Mosquito Identification and Testing Contract
Video. Unanimous approval of this $45,790 item.
6.g. Prison Work Details Contract Renewal
Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall asked if it was still worth it due to lack of appearance due to weather. Public Works Director Robin Cumbus said definitely worth it because the county only pays the guard and gets 8-10 prisoners per bus. Chairman clarified there were restrictions on when they could work: raining, storming, high heat. Cumbus said high heat hadn’t been a problem; with rain, they sit on the bus until it passes or they work inside. Commissioner Marshall said that clarified it for him. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker moved to renew, Commissioner Evans seconded, all voted yes.
6.h. Motorola Support Agreement for Offendertrak and PMDC
Video. Final year of support for this old product. But jail management and other software still supported for some time to come. No questions and unanimous approval.
6.i. Trust Deed for Brookwood Place Subdivision
Video. County Engineer Mike Fletcher said it’s actually on Mt. Zion Road. Chairman Bill Slaughter said there was some due diligence that could be done to investigate other methods. He said he had checked with Fletcher who said the developer was not under a strict deadline. They tabled it.
7.a. Bids – Copeland Road Sidewalks
Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall expressed unease about the wide spread of prices between the bids. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker said they’d go with the low bid. And they did, unanimously.
8. Reports – County Manager
Video. No report.
9. CWTBH – Lawrence and Helen Williams
Video. Their concern is three bulldogs on chains next door. He said for six years they’d been trying not to take them to court, but now as a last resort they had come to the County Commission for the safety of their grandchildren. He said he had called the Sheriff’s department because the neighbor has a high-powered rifle that he shoots. Deputies said there was nothing they could do, since they didn’t see it.
County Clerk Paige Dukes said there was an ongoing court case which has already gotten the dogs off their chains and was dealing with some of the other issues.
Mr. Williams said the dogs are very aggressive, and now he has dog poop right at his front door. He said he wasn’t concerned about a fine; he was concerned about the dogs being contained.
Chairman said if Williams would hang around he would talk to him more.
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: sidewalk, KLVB, DFCS, SGCSB, LCLB appointments, prisoners, mosquitos, grants, contracts
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 14 June 2016.
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