Not on
the agenda for
Monday morning’s Work Session,
but added back for Tuesday evening’s Regular Session,
the Brookwood Place Subdivision tabled two weeks ago
popped up in
Where is it? Who owns it? How did they get it? Who’s the developer? No, really, who’s the developer?
8. Reports – County Manager – the reappearance of Brookwood water

Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said he was bringing back the trust indenture for “the Brookwood Place subdivision off of Mt. Zion.” He can’t have meant Mt. Zion Road, which is in the southwest part of the county, not near the Valdosta City limits, and has no built-up subdivisions like they showed on the map. He must have meant Mt. Zion Church Road.
Utilities Director Steve Stalvey said the county has water located as close as Farmer’s Way “on this map that you see here now” but of course the county did not post on its website. He said the yellow is Brookwood Place, the blue is Valdosta’s city water lines, and the red is where the county currently has water.
On the next map, the red line Stalvey is a proposed county water line
Stalvey said that water line would cost $800,000. He said a well for the subdivision would cost $500,000, not county any treatment of the water such as chlorination.
A Commissioner (Clay Griner?) asked if the water line might potentially serve some other subdivision. Answer: there were some possible areas, but no actual requests currently.
They put it back on the agenda for Tuesday evening’s Regular Session.
Commissioner Mark Stalvey Wisenbaker wanted to know numbers on the subdivision.
Answer: 48 or 60 homes. Better number available Tuesday.
Rezoning? Answer from County Planner Jason Daveneport: No, he already has the necessary zoning.
Who owns these four parcels combined for this subdivision? According to Lowndes County Tax Assessors:
Sale Date | Sale Price | Reason | Grantor | Grantee |
Of course, that doesn’t answer who the actual developer is, since it’s probably not the bank.
Here’s an answer from the agenda item for the meeting two weeks ago.
HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: James Warren and Associates is developing a piece of property in the County and would like to have a private water system serve this development. The developer is requesting that the Board of Commissioners approve a trust deed for this system. The State requires that new subdivisions have a trust deed, before they will issue a water system permit.
OK, who is James Warren and Associates? According to their web page:
We are a fully-functional Certified Utility Contractor based in South Georgia.
OK, that’s nice, but that sounds like a subcontractor. Who’s doing the houses and streets for the subdivision?
And why is it always twenty questions with the county?
Here’s the LAKE video:
Videos: Video: Brookwood Place reappears
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, June 27 2016.
Short Link: