Calling on Austin Scott GA-08 and Sanford Bishop GA-02 and other members of Congerss to also ask the Corps for a Supplementary Environmental Impact Study (SEIS) about Sabal Trail discrepancies. Same story appeared in the Suwannee Democrat yesterday.
Thomas Lynn, Valdosta Daily Times, 17 May 2016,
Yoho hikes Sabal Trail pipeline route,
LIVE OAK. Fin. — US. Rep. Ted Yoho hiked with around 30 opponents to the Sabal Trail pipeline through Suwannee River State Park’s Big Oak Trail in north Florida to look at sinkholes near the proposed route.
The morning hike was a result of a report done by Dennis Price, a local practicing geologist. Price’s report directly contradicts what Sabal Trail presented during its permitting process, particularly sinkhole proximity to the proposed route….
The story mentions that WWALS Watershed Coalition board member Chris Mericle invited Ted Yoho.
“These guys have done their homework. They’ve done a great job,” Yoho said. “We need to get this stuff clarified before we go any further.”
The story mentions some of the substance of the discrepancies. See WWALS report and Our Santa Fe River report for more details, and see WWALS letter of 4 April 2016 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for much more detail, including links to numerous geological reports.
The VDT article concludes:
Yoho said he would be supportive of the Army Corps of Engineers doing another study.
“We were told the pipeline was 750 feet away from the nearest (sinkhole), but it’s clearly not,” Yoho said after the hike.
You can help call on the Corps to open a Supplementary Environmental Impact Study (SEIS). Here’s a petition, or look up your member of Congress by ZIP code. You can also ask your local county and city governments and school boards to do the same.
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Pingback: Sinkholes and Sabal Trail: Elected Officials Hike, Suwannee River State Park 2016-05-15 | WWALS Watershed Coalition
Ted Yoho is a good man. I’m praying for his re-election after they conveniently redistricted his Congressional district. Good article & good reporting. Keep up the good work.