The County Manager asked for Carter Way to be on the agenda for tonight’s
5:30 PM Regular Session.
At yesterday morning’s Work Session
the County Attorney reminded us that
in a previous episode (March 25th Work Session) we learned
that the Loretta B. Moore irrevocable living trust owns half of the access
to the damaged part of the road.
Since then he’s learned that the trustee is
the Loretta Anne Ruth, who lives in Panama City, Florida.
He has contacted her, and has a copy of the trust formation document.
He says Ms. Ruth has signed an agreement with the county, and
he expected Charles Cowart of Cowart and Sons to sign an agreement that same morning.
Below are LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s Work Session, followed by a video playlist. See also the agenda and the LAKE videos of the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission meeting at which the two rezoning cases were discussed. The County Commission votes tonight at 5:30PM.
1. Call to Order 4. MInutes for Approval
5. South Georgia Community Service Board
Video. There is some conflict about meeting time and no elected official was discussed. Commissioner Joyce Evans asked if this board met at the same time as the County Commission, and whether this was the board Commissioner Demarcus Marshall served on. Yes, and they don’t know if there’s still a conflict.
6.a. REZ-2016-10 Freedom Heights, 4301 Bemiss Rd
7.a. GA DCA Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application: Freedom Heights
7.b. Adopt Resolution – Infrastructure for Grove Point Phase IV Section 3
7.c. Declaration of Surplus Items and Authorization of Sale
7.d. Sewer Vactor Truck
8.a. Bid for Security Services at Human Resources Building
8.b. Hwy. 84 Lift Station
10. Reports – County Manager – More on Carter Way
11. Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Carter Way tar baby, Appointment, big subdivision, Hwy 84 lift station
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 9 May 2016.
Short Link:
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