reading of the Animal Welfare Ordinance
drew two citizen speakers:
Jim Sharpe
Dr. Amanda Hall.
Chairman Bill Slaughter remarked on the 5 March 2016 death of former Lowndes County Coroner Charles Exum.
See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session and the agenda for that meeting and this Regular Session for the three board appointments, the two Copeland Road items related to water, sewer, pavement, and Lowndes Middle School students, the two Tax Assessor items, others, and, last but not least, the four alcohol items. See also LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission Work Session and Regular Session. For the annexation request that is part of the Valdosta proposed rezoning for a development on Bemiss Road, See the packet materials for that item obtained by LAKE through open records request. See also the CAC item on Skipper Bridge Road, with a link to the board packet materials for that item that LAKE obtained by open records request.
Below are links to the LAKE videos of the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session of 8 March 2016, followed by a video playlist.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Recognition of Y-Lead (Hahira Middle) and Leadership Lowndes
4. MInutes for Appoval
5.a. Appointments – Landbank Authority
5.b. Appointment – Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
6.a. REZ-2016-06 Lowndes County CAC, Skipper Bridge Rd, R-A to OI
6.b. Beer, Wine and Liquor License – Taco Shack
7. a/b/c/ Beer and Wine License – Flash Foods
7.d. Leila Ellis Social Services Building Lease Wiregrass Tech
7.e. Surveying and Engineering Sidewalks Copeland Road
7.f. Board of Assessors’ Data Cloud Solutions Contract
7.g. Board of Assessors’ GMASS Rural Land Maintenance Contract
7.h. Public Right of Way Acknowledgment Form – Copeland Road
8.a. Animal Welfare Ordinance- Introduction Only
9. Reports – County Manager
Chairmans Remarks – Death of Charles Exum
10. CWTBH – Jim Sharpe (animal control)
Video. He reported on an incident where a dog bit the child standing beside him at he podium. He said the dog was sent to animal control, was released, and killed someone. He asked for major overhaul changes of Animal Control.
10. CWTBH – Dr. Amanda Hall (animal control)
Video. This local veterinarian thanked the Commission for taking on the anti-chaining ordinance, which she and others have been requesting for more than a year. She said it was a great ordinance that would not only improved health of dogs, but would also improve neighborhood safety. She said other communities would look to Lowndes County as a good example.
11. Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Animals, CAC on Skipper Bridge, 3 board appointments, alcohol
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 8 March 2016.
Short Link: