The mysterious missing materials from Monday’s Planning Commission meeting are on the LAKE website now, thanks to Lowndes County Planner Jason Davenport, by electronic mail today, 3 December 2015.
He explained that this requested zoning, REZ-2015-20, was a followon to
REZ-2010-15 from 2010 for the new Withlacoochee River Wastewater Treatment Plant, plus since then Valdosta had bought another adjoining parcel.
The materials explain the current concerns about buffers, setbacks, roads, other uses, noise, lights, etc.; see
the text pages.
The County Planner said the packet for next week’s County Commission meetings
will also include an agenda item cover sheet.
For all the other packet items from Monday’s GLPC meeting, see the previous post. See also the related variance VAR-2015-16 that was before the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA) Tuesday.
Here’s the beginning of the overview from the GLPC materials:
The main reason for this request is the current conditional requirement of a bermed buffer along the norther boundary of the subject property. Right now if the previously approved conditions (Attached toward the end of the packet), approved site plan (Attached . . ,), and ULDC are combined it looks like what is currently required to be constructed is a ~1000′ long 80′ wide landscaped buffer. Within a portion of the buffer area there should be a 10′ tall landscaped berm (Conditions 5, 6, and 7 and ULDC Section 4.03.20). For reference, since the buffer is dominantly wooded, existing trees and shrubs are eligible to be counted toward buffer requirements. In addition to the primary motivation to reduce the buffer related requirements staff is also proposing to remove other conditions and is currently considering recommending to move forward with the following conditions:
Current Staff Recommended Conditions:
Condition #3. The streams within the northwest portion of the property zoned M-Z illustrated on the Conceptual Planned Development Map prepared by Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. dated 11/23/10 hearing project no. 14224100 herein incorporated (the “Site Plan”) shall be buffered by a 100′ wide natural vegetative buffer on the north and west sides of such streams as illustrated on the Site Plan measured from the centerline of the existing streams.
Condition #7. A minimum 90′ setback (inclusive of all buffers) shall be established between all property currently zoned R-1 or R-10 and .all of the following types of development on the property: buildings, outdoor storage of materials, outdoor storage of equipment, parking, loading areas, driveways associated with regular operations, tanks, and all sanitation facilities (temporary and permanent). Driveways used for emergency response or building maintenance shall be permitted within this setback.
Condition #8. If the County Engineer determines that the development of the property necessitates any improvements to Wetherington Lane or Joseph Road, the owner of the property shall be responsible for the design, any acquisition of necessary iight-of-way, relocation of utilities, and construction costs of or required for such improvements to the extent necessitated by the development of the property.
Condition #10. The following uses are not allowed on the subject property: Transitional Care Facilities, Correctional Facilities, and Landfills (Sanitary or Inert), all within the meaning of the ULDC.
Condition #13. Loudspeakers or paging systems located on the property shall be designed, installed, and used such that they are not heard at any abutting property line of a property currently zoned R-1 or R-10.
Condition #14. Lighting located on the property shall be shielded and directed to avoid direct illumination of adjacent properties currently zoned R-1 or R-10.
Condition #15. Electromagnetic interference generated by uses of the property shall not be discemable on adjacent properties currently zoned R-1 or R-10.
Additionally, please note that supplemental standards, dumpster standards, other minimum buffering requirements, minimum setbacks, landscaping, and other applicable regulations apply beyond any proposed conditions. Pending the results of the variance that is being pursued, please plan on current and future connections to both County water and County sewer services.
For additional reference please find information below related to the applicable standards for the current zoning and proposed use (Heavy Manufacturing (M-Z) zoning used for a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP))
That overview continues with tables of such standards.
See also the Lovell Engineering request to remove conditions and all the other materials.
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