ZBOA agenda items for tomorrow
are also on
the Planning Commission agenda for tonight:
Withlacoochee River Wastewater Treatment Plant
and the
radio tower
Snake Nation Press
WSNK-LP, Valdosta Community Radio.
Apparently both of these applicants want a variance from ZBOA
in addition to a conditional use permit.
Verizon wants a variance in Hahira for a cell tower and the Lucas Brothers want a cemetery variance.
Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals
Carmella Braswell, Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 671-2430Matt Martin, Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563AGENDA
December 1, 2015
2:30 p.m.
- Call to Order
- VAR-2015-14 James T. Creasy (Carter Drive, Hahira, GA)
Variance to ULDC 9.02.04 as it pertains to non-conforming uses- VAR-2015-15 Clifford Lucas, Arney Lucas, and Lawrence Lucas DBA Lucas Brothers Memorial Garden (Lucas-Richardson Road, Hahira, GA)
Variance to ULDC 4.03.06 as it pertains to the supplemental standards for cemeteries- VAR-2015-16 City of Valdosta (Wetherington Lane, Valdosta, Georgia)
Variance to ULDC 03.04 as it pertains to the connection requirements for sanitary sewer requirementsCITY OF VALDOSTA CASES:
- APP-2015-09 Snake Nation Press (110 W Force Street)
Variance to LDR Section 218-23 (J) as it pertains to the minimum setback distances required for telecommunications towersOTHER BUSINESS:
- Approval of Minutes: November 3, 2015
- Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Discussion Items
- Name Badges/ID
- Holiday Gathering
- Adjournment
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