Sabal Trail bad for VSU, rivers, animals, landowners, and community: to FERC in Valdosta 2015-09-30

Sinkholes, explosions, and other risks to our rivers, lands, and wildlife for no benefit from the Sinkhole Trail, plus FERC and its environmental contractor are paid by the pipeline companies, but still we can win, said local landowners and others to FERC in Valdosta last night, as you can see in these LAKE videos. And you can come to the Kayaktivism Day this Saturday several Valdosta State clubs are holding on the Withlacoochee River. Meanwhile, the FERC circus moves to Columbia High School in Live Oak, FL tonight.

Here’s a playlist of the LAKE videos from the Valdosta FERC meeting.

FERC in Valdosta, Georgia, 30 September 2015
Videos by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE)

Videos from other meetings:


3 thoughts on “Sabal Trail bad for VSU, rivers, animals, landowners, and community: to FERC in Valdosta 2015-09-30

  1. Pingback: Chris Mericle about SRWMD dye test, to FERC in Valdosta. | WWALS Watershed Coalition

  2. Pingback: Sinkholes, toxins, and terrorism are not insignificant: WWALS members to FERC in Valdosta 2015-09-30 | WWALS Watershed Coalition

  3. terre tulsiak

    The environmental project manager apparently doesn’t remember why he’s there without reading his power point…..

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