Both LCC meetings Tuesday, plus Development Authority 10AM, Chamber members to be Heard 3:30PM, and Board of Elections 4:30PM, before the Commission votes 5:30 PM.
Update 2015-09-08: LAKE did what the county staff didn’t: turned a mound of paper into electronic format and posted it. The added material is for the Shiloh Road Roundabout (county has to maintain lighting and landscaping) and the bids for the Bevel Creek and Coleman Road lift stations. Except there’s no bid from Xylem for replacing the Coleman Road pump. Did they not bid, or did the Clerk’s office not supply that bid? (Also updated links to other meetings in first line of this post.)
The Lowndes County Commission
will consider a
church rezoning on Mullins Road
that’s so close to a county water line near the Lake Alapaha development
on the Alapaha River that the County staff felt they had to warn the applicant.
Bid awards for the utilities extension to Lowndes Middle School is on the agenda as
South Perimeter Road Utility Extension,
and it appears staff may have outsourced this million-dollar decision to Lovell Engineering.
Utilities also wants
$38,930.50 for Bevel Creek
$35,144.20 for Coleman Road
for new Wilo lift station pumps.
Their one-paragraph writeups sound like a good deal with substantial savings,
but they reference multiple quotes which were not included.
Where are those quotes? (They were on paper; see above.)
The county staff also wants wants a roundabout for Shiloh Road! Next they’ll be wanting speed humps on county roads they’ve made unsafe by paving (don’t hold your breath).
Here’s what LAKE got online for the commission packet and the Lowndes County Commission agenda. See also the LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission meeting.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2015-15 Grant, 6309 Mullins Ln, E-A to R-A, Well/Septic, 2.69 acres
TRC Recommendation: Approval
GLPC Recommendation: ApprovalIs the water line mentioned in the agenda item sheet the one the one they agreed to spend $16,915 to upgrade for a developer?
This request represents a change in zoning from Estate Agricultural (BA) zoning to Residential Agricultural (R-A) zoning. The motivation for the zoning change is aimed at allowing for the subject property to sell a portion of its property (Tract “I” 2) to the southern property owner for the development ofa church t~150 seats). Access to and from the property is gained off of Mullins Lana. This section ot’Mullins Lane is a county—maintained unimproved local road, Typical tratfic tlow capacity ot’a local road is less than 750 AADT. Per GDOT definition the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is the average number of vehicles that pass by a counter during a 24-hour period in a certain year, Concerning the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Future Development Map the subject property is within the Rural Service Area and depicted as an Agricultural Area. Per Comprehensive Plan guidance R-A zoning is listed as a permitted zoning within an Agricultural Area. With this request the following factors should be considered the dominant E-A zoning pattern to the north of US Hwy 84 East, the current lot size of the southern property (447 acres), the precedent set for R-A in the area (if approved), the existing C-C and R-21 zoning to the south (Lake Alanaha), and the potential investment in the southern property related to this rezoning. Ultimately. Planning found this request overall consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the TRC recommended for its approval. The GLPC reviewed this request at their August regular meeting and unanimously recommended for its approval. No one either spoke for or against the request during the GLPC public hearing.
Although the TRC did not believe that it should he a condition of approval we did want the applicant and the future church to be aware of the distance to the Lowttdes County wztier line to the south. Cunent regulations require a water connection ifthc water line is within 1000′ ofthe subject property. Right now, due to recent construction, the water line to the south is around 1,400′ away.
- For Consideration
- South Perimeter Road Utility Extension
Board’s PleasureDocuments:South Perimeter Road Utility Extension Project.pdf
According to the agenda item sheet, the staff doesn’t actually recommend awarding a contract for the Lowndes Middle School utilities lines. However, Lovell Engineering made a recommendation that was included in the county response to the LAKE open records request as Notice of Award, so maybe county staff outsourced the decision to Lovell Engineering, to the tune of either $1,041,714.50 or $1,109,582.00.
The agenda item sheet:
HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: The Lowndes County Engineering and Utilities Department has requested proposals for the South Perimeter Road Utility Extension Project. This project will consist of installing a 12″ water main to service the south Perimeter Road area developments as well as Lowndes Middle School and will include the installation of a booster pump for additional flow to this area. The project will also include the installation of an 8″ sewer force main and regional lift station to service this area with public sewer. Attached Is a copy of the bid tabulation sheet, notice of award and associated contract.
- Award Contract to Radney Plumbing for Alternate #1
Award Contract to Standard Contractors for Alternate #2- Board’s Pleasure
The Notice of Award by Lovell Engineering:
Re: South Inner Perimeter Utility Extension
Mr. Fletcher,
It is our recommendation that the contract for the referenced project be awarded to the apparent low bidder for each alternative, following the normal process of review and approval per the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners. The apparent low bidder for Alterative No. 1 is Radney Plumbing, Inct in the amount of $1,041,714.50 and for Alternative No. 2 is Standard Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $1,109,582.00,
If you have any questions please call me at (229) 253-0900,
Clayton Milligan, PE
Professional Engineer- Indication of Roundabout Support for Shiloh Road
Authorize Chairman to Sign Indication of Roundabout Support for Shiloh RoadDocuments:Indication of Roundabout Support for Shiloh Road.pdf
- Bevel Creek Lift Station Pump
Approve the purchase of the Wilo pump at the Bevel Creek lift station
Documents:Bevel Creek Lift Station Pump.pdf
The agenda sheet says the county got several quotes and settled on $38,930.50 for a new Wilo pump. Who were those quotes from, and where are they? Not in the electronic documents the county sent LAKE in response to its open records request.
HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: The Bevel Creek lift station is a triplex station that delivers over 60% of the wastewater flow to Land Application System. Currently, the county is mnning on two pumps at this station. The pump that is out of service is a Flygt pump that was built in 1992. Staff received a quote to repair this pump for $40,063.50. Two additional quotes were received for a new Flygt pump for $58,097.10 and a new Wilo pump for $38,930.50 After considerable research staff recommends the purchase of the Wilo pump at the Bevel Creek lift station.
- Coleman Road Lift Station Pump
Approve the purchase of the Wilo pump at the Coleman Road lift station
Documents:Coleman Road Lift Station Pump.pdf
The agenda item sheet says staff wants another $35,144.20 for a lift station pump after several quotes. Where are those quotes?
HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: The Coleman Road lifi station is a duplex station that is currently running on one pump. The pump that is out of service is a Flygt pump that was built in 1995. Staff received a quote to have to pump repaired for $32,554.90. Two additional quotes were received for a new Flygt pump for $69,755.00 and a new Wllo pump for $35,144.20. After considerable research staff recommends the purchase of the Wilo pump at the Coleman Road lift stationt
- Reports – County Manager
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
- Adjournment
Short Link: