Gretchen made an Open Records request Monday morning and
it was available Tuesday 4:37 PM: mostly on paper and less than
an hour before the Commission voted.
The rezoning material from the Planning office was sent by electronic mail. The rest cost $9.40 to retrieve on paper. Nevermind in the email earlier Tuesday of the old ordinance from 1992 the county staff demonstrated they can put a paper document on their copier and produce a PDF. They could have done that with the rest of the board packet. Why didn’t they?
The Work Session was Monday morning at 8:30 AM 10 Aug 2015. Gretchen was notified by telephone about 4:30 PM Tuesday 11 Aug 2015. The County Palace closes at 5PM. The Commission met at 5:30 PM Tuesday to vote. So none of the public got to see most of this board packet.
Is there some reason the board packets can’t be put on the county’s own website? Remember, Effingham County, GA, half the size of Lowndes, can do it, so Lowndes can do it if it wants to. Should we wonder what the Lowndes County Commission is hiding?
Meanwhile, the parts of this board packet that were received by email at 4:37 PM Tuesday 11 August 2015 are on the LAKE website.
We’ll also do what the county staff didn’t: turn the mound of paper into electronic format and post that.
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