Tuesday’s surprise report
was on airport funding,
followed by an unscheduled vote for funding.
They also reappointed Dr. Martha Giddens to the Lowndes County Division of Family and Children Services Board, approved two well and septic rezonings, passed Lowndes County Road Naming Resolution and Procedure that they haven’t published even though it’s because a Commissioner said citizens requested it, and the latest in the long-running Juvenile Justice Court diversionary program grant contract.
See also the LAKE videos of Monday morning’s Work Session and of last month’s Planning Commission Meeting which considered the same rezonings. The now-infamous Moody Activities Zone (MAZ) text amendments which got tabled by the Planning Commission did not even appear on the County Commission’s agenda.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
4. Minutes for Approval
5. Appointments – DFACS
6.a. REZ-2015-12- Marthua Russ , ChugALug Rd. R-10 to R-1
Video. TRC, Planning Commission, and County Commission all agreed that this rezoning to permit a manufactured home was not consistent with the map in the Comprehensive Plan but was consistent with its goals. Nobody spoke for or against. Unanimous approval.
6.b. REZ-2015-13 Cementine Miller, Miller Rd E-A to R-A
Video. To allow for replacement of an existing manufactured home. Comprehensive Plan says this is in a rural service zone, so R-A would be better than E-A. TRC, Planning Commission, and County Commission agreed. Nobody spoke against. Sharon Harris spoke for, saying applicant was her mother. Unanimous approval.
7.a. Lowndes County Road Naming Resolution and Procedure
Video. More about road dedication for memoralizing “the name of an individual who has made a significant contribution to the community”. Chairman thanked Commissioners Marshall and Orenstein for the proposal. Orenstein thanked Marshall. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker moved to adopt resolution and procedures. Somebody seconded. Unanimous approval.
7.b. Evidence Based Associates Service Agreement
Video. The never-ending juvenile justice grant administration item. Unanimous approval for Chairman to sign agreement. A better idea than just locking people up. Commissioners Marshall and Evans thanks Ashley Tye for handling it.
8. Reports – County Manager – Airport Authority Budget Request (part 1)
Video. See separate post.
8. Reports – County Manager – Airport Authority Budget Request (part 2)
Video. See separate post.
8. Reports – County Manager – Airport Authority Budget Request (part 3)
Video. See separate post.
9. CWTBH (none) 10. Adjournment
Here’s a video playlist of the Tuesday 14 July 2015 Regular Session:
Videos: Airport, appointments, well and septic, road naming, and evidence
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 14 July 2015.
Short Link: