Videos: KLVB, Drinking, driving, and air conditioning @ LCC 2015-03-23

Keep Lowndes-Valdosta Beautiful did cleanups in wetlands in both the Withlacoochee and the Alapaha River watersheds, plus at exit 22, and the general illegal trash dumping situation came up. Did the county change the speed limit on your road? The County Engineer said only in one area, but they didn’t publish the list. Also discussed were a GEMA grant application, a proposal for engineering services for Exits 22 and 29, HVAC for county buildings, and a liquor license. Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015  8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. KLVB Presentation-Gateway Cleanup 1. Call to Order 4. KLVB Presentation-Gateway Cleanup

    Video. KLVB always does a good presentation, and this time they sent their Chairman, Carl Onyeka, their Executive Director, Aaron Strickland, and a board member (not sure which one). Their cleanup at the wetland at Ricardo Street and N. Forrest Street was right at the top of the watershed of Onemile Creek, in the Withlacoochee River watershed, where Carl Onyeka said they picked up about 500 pounds of litter, including sixteen tires. “People just love to dump tires in this area,” he said. Their other location, on Inner Perimeter Road between Lakeland Highway and US 84, is in a wetland that drains into Upper Mud Swamp Creek, which goes into the Alapahoochee River, and then into the Alapaha River. He said they had sixteen volunteers and picked up another 500 pounds of trash. And they had a chipper event, in which they chipped up dead trees for fish habitats and mulch, in four locations, with 24 volunteers. They just started a new Project Glove, with sixteen volunteers at the overpass on North Valdosta Road at exit 22, picking up 100 pounds of litter and a TV monitor.

    And on April 11th they had scheduled an electronics recycling event, and on April 25th their Great America Cleanup. He didn’t say any dates for the past events. Their calendar says the chipper event was January 5th.

    Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter thanked KLVB for cleaning up at the “gateways”, referring to exit 22. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall mentioned the illegal dumping happening within the county and asked if there was anything else the county could do to help. Carl Onyeka said Aaron Strickland had been involved with that, and it’s a big problem with no places for citizens to take trash.

  5. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session Minutes- March 9, 2015 5. Minutes for Approval


    2. Regular Session Minutes- March 10, 2015
  6. For Consideration
    1. 2015 Homeland Security Grant Application
      Recommended Action: Authorize Staff to submit grant application to the Georgia Emergency Management Agency/ Office of Homeland Security

      The proposed project would be 100% grant funded.  Lowndes County would not be required to budget any additional funding.

      Documents:Homeland Security Grant Application.pdf 6.a. a. 2015 Homeland Security Grant Application

      Video. Projects to be considered have to be regional in nature, not just for Lowndes County or a local agency. The grant application is for $60,000 for a mobile operations center. Adding to the existing communications vehicle, this one would be a mobile conference room where all the various agency and department heads could get together to formulate a plan of action. Would have been useful for example at the recent Langdale tornado, or at a big wild fire. Air conditioned and climate controled, so also useful for rest and rehab, or even for the hostage negotiation team. It’s a reimbursement grant: purchase the vehicle and then get reimbursed by the state. Commission Scottie Orenstein wanted to know if the grant covered everything. Yes, except for maintenance.

    2. Professional Engineering Services for Exit 22 and 29
      Accept Proposal from Lovell Engineering

      Documents:Engineering Services.pdf 6.b. Professional Engineering Services for Exit 22 and 29

      Video. Lovell Engineering has been meeting with GDOT and their consultants.

    3. Speed Zone Ordinance
      Adoption of Speed Zone Ordinance

      Documents:Speed Zone Ordinance.pdf

      300x388 Speed-zone-ordinance-001, in Speed Limit Ordinance, by John S. Quarterman, 23 March 2015 The Georgia DOT is in the process of updating the existing Speed Zone Ordinance for Lowndes County. Attached is a copy of the updated Speed Zone Ordinance with the changes that were requested by Lowndes County. With the execution of this Ordinance, the speed limits on these roads will be updated. A signed copy of the Ordinance will be forwarded to the Department of Public Safety for the updated radar permit for Lowndes County.

      6.c. Speed Zone Ordinance

      Video. County Engineer Mike Fletcher said only change is to lower the speed limit around the Old Quitman Highway area from 65 to 60 MPH. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know what the process would be for any other speed limit. Would have to do speed study and send it off to the state for approval.

    4. Liquor License – Mitt’s Food Mart #2 – 2490 US Highway 84 West
      Approval of the Liquor License

      Documents:Liquor License.pdf 6.d. Liquor License - Mitt's Food Mart #2 - 2490 US Highway 84 West

      Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black said the owner wants to convert that location to a package store.

  7. Bids
    1. HVAC Service for All County Buildings
      Accept the bid from Siemens, Industry, Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract

      Documents:HVAC Bid.pdf 7.a. HVAC Service for All County Buildings


  8. Reports – County Manager
  9. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address 8. Reports - County Manager

    Video. Add agenda item for automatic aid agreement with Lake Park.

  10. Adjournment

Here’s a video playlist:

Videos: KLVB, Drinking, driving, and air conditioning
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 23 March 2015.
