At 12:30 PM Tuesday (tomorrow)
LCDP Chair Tom Hochschild will be there with signs and supporters,
he tells me.
Plus in addition to supporting this local business he recommends
people make a small donation to the Lowndes County Food Bank
for those less fortunate. -jsq
LCDP PR 26 February 2015, LCDP Cash Mob at Stan’s Quality Meats & Grocery Outlet,
The Lowndes County Democratic Party’s first-ever Cash Mob! 8AM to 8PM next Tuesday March 3, in line with our March Monday 2 meeting topic, “Democratic Party Values: Supporting Local Business”. facebook event.
For this Cash Mob, we are asking our members to spend their money at Stan’s Quality Meats & Grocery Outlet at 1300 West Hill Avenue in Valdosta, GA on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Stan’s Grocery Outlet just celebrated its one-year anniversary, and employs over a dozen people in an economically depressed part of Valdosta. We will have LCDP yard signs and balloons to let local residents and passersby know that Democrats are the party that supports local business. Please wear blue and come spend what you can on meats, vegetables, milk, and other items at Stan’s. We are trying to get a lot of press coverage for the event, so it is very important that we make a good showing.
For more information, contact LCDP Chairman Tom Hochschild at 860-933-8800.
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