REZ-2015-02 Devine packet materials @ LCC 2015-02-24

Gretchen filed an open records request for all the natively-electronic materials from the board packet, especially including the list of the Commission’s own goals, but all we got was the one rezoning item, REZ-2015-02 Devine for the 23 February 2015 Work Session of the Lowndes County Commission. At least they sent that much by email, but even so it’s missing important information that I wonder if the Commissioners noted wasn’t there before they voted.

New material in here, different from when the same item was on the agenda two weeks before, includes a list of traffic accidents, a letter of opposition from another Stone Creek resident with a picture of traffic congestion, a new map of lot size comparisons, and a table and bar graph of the same.

One opposition letter is the same as last time, but two others from last time were not included. I wonder if the Commissioners noted those omissions?

The three standard color zoning maps appear to be the same content as last time, although the copies we got this time are sharper, brighter, and oriented square, like they’re actually from the electronic copy this time instead of scanned from paper.

Once again, now that the agenda item submission pages are linked into the agenda, add the rest of the board packet material in there and nobody would even have to make a request, and no staff would have to answer such requests.
