HB 170 is a stealth tax raise by the state that would force
county and city governments to vote for higher local taxes.
The Transportation Funding Act of 2015 is bad news
according to every city councillor and county commissioner I’ve heard from.
Harrison Tillman estimated about $335,000 reduction in taxes to the county and a $12.6 million overall loss in revenue in his presentation yesterday morning to the Lowndes County Commission Annual Planning Meeting. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall and Chairman Bill Slaughter went to Atlanta to talk to the proposers of this bill, with little effect.
Here’s ACCG’s HB 170 writeup Tillman used, and here’s MGA’s HB 170 writeup.
Here is HB 170 on the legislature’s own website. It doesn’t seem to have been assigned to a committee yet.
Here’s the video:
HB 170 to convert fuel sales tax to excise tax at local government expense
Day 1,
Annual Planning Meeting, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 5 February 2015.
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