The vote was unanimous for
the resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline
at the Lowndes County Commission Tuesday,
to be followed tonight by the Valdosta City Council voting on
their resolution of support for Lowndes County against Sabal Trail,
an additional clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer.
This follows a long string of
county and city resolutions against that unnecessary,
destructive, and hazardous pipeline boondoggle.
Speaking of boondoggles, see ADS wants a trash raise in the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session. Instead of suing a local business to enforce an exclusive franchise for a company backed by investors in New York City, the Commission still could make a special tax district for trash collection, just like they approved several Tax Lighting Districts at Tuesday’s meeting.
They unanimously rezoned REZ-2014-19 Chain Sports with the conditions proposed by staff. Among multiple applicants for both KLVB and the Tourism Authority, in a rare event they had a split vote on the latter.
The County Clerk said the new website will go live Friday 12 December 2014.
They also recognized Susan Mullis and Flower Gallery for decorating the Christmas Tree in the lobby, and said farewell to Commissioners Raines and Powell.
Here’s the agenda, the board packet obtained by LAKE through an open records request, and the LAKE videos from the Monday morning Work Session. Below are links to videos of the Regular Session, followed by a video playlist.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Recognition of Flower Gallery and Susan Mullis for decorations
4. Minutes for Approval
5.a. Appointments – KLVB
Video. They had two applicants for one seat: Kimberley Hobbs of SGRC and Molly Stoltz of VSU. They appointed Stoltz to a three year term.
5.b. Appointments – Tourism Board
Video. They reappointed Commissioner Evans For the other open position, Ronald Skrine of the Valdosta Fire Department was present but did not speak; the incumbent Jerome “Andy” Anderson spoke at the previous morning’s Work Session. Both were nominated; Anderson was appointed 4 o 1.
6.a. REZ-2014-19 Chain Sports, Bemiss Rd & Engberg Dr
Video. Approved with nobody speaking against and with staff-recommended conditions.
6.b. Decorative Tax Lighting District—Glen Laurel Phase III
Video. Approved.
6.c. Decorative Tax Lighting District—Crestwood III & IV
Video. Approved.
6.d. Standard Tax Lighting District—Burkhalter
Video. Not ready; no action.
6.e. Beer License—Boone and Crockett’s Grill
Video. Approved.
6.f. Beer & Wine/Beer, Wine & Liquor License— Shorty’s Steakhouse
Video. Approved.
7.a. Approval of 2015 Commission Meeting Schedule
Video. Two conflicts in May and September, Labor Day and Memorial Day. Commissioner Marshall had also asked Veterans Day be added as a conflict day. Apparently they did not actually change the schedule yet, though.
7.b. Sabal Trail Resolution
Video. Here’s text of the resolution and an image below. The County Clerk read the resolution out loud. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall moved to adopt the resolution; Crawford Powell (I think) seconded; all voted aye in unison.
Commissioner Crawford Powell then asked:
Can I ask that copies of that be sent to our local state delegation, our state leaders, and our federal delegation representing Georgia in this matter?
Chairman Bill Slaughter assured him that would happen.
7.c. Anti Littering Ordinance Update
7.d. Quit Claim Deed for Abandoned ROW on Kinderlou-Clyattville Rd
7.e. Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Video. In quite a turnaround from his opposition to any grants when he was first elected, Commissioner Richard Raines made the motion. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall seconded. Unanimous approval.
7.f. Lease Agreement for USDA
Video. Unanimous approval.
7.g. Naming of the Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Complex
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know when it would be done. Chad McLeod said probably by February. Commissioner Crawford Powell made the motion. Somebody dropped something and Commissioners said “G. Robert liked that!” Chairman Bill Slaughter eulogized Sheriff Carter. Commissioner Joyce Evans (who served with Commissioner Carter longest) seconded. Unanimous approval.
7.j. Budget Calendar
Video. She said the meetings with constitutional officers and elected officials are set for February 18-20 2015. Commissioner Richard Raines moved, Commissioner Joyce Evans seconded, all approved.
7.k. Beer and Wine License—Jay Ma Mela di 89 corp.
7.l. Beer and Wine License—GMP Properties of Valdosta Inc.
8. Reports – County Manager
Video. County Clerk Paige Dukes said the new website would be live to the public this Friday, 12 December 2014, shortly followed by a mobile app. One Commissioner after the meeting suggested to LAKE that they might put Commission videos on the new website. We shall see.
9. CWTBH – Michael Noll
9. CWTBH – Michael Noll(2)
Farewell to Commissioners Raines and Powell
Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments + flowers
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 9 December 2014.
Short Link:
Pingback: Not in our county, state, or aquifer: Valdosta votes against Sabal Trail pipeline tonight - WWALS Watershed Coalition
Pingback: Thomas County on alternate pipeline route –Thomasville Times | SpectraBusters
Pingback: WWALS moves to intervene with FERC about Sabal Trail pipeline - WWALS Watershed Coalition
Pingback: Albany, MGAG, and Brooks County, GA moved to intervene with Sabal Trail | SpectraBusters