Spectra starts trying to walk back its previous eminent domain statements, as WCTV reveals MGAG didn’t ask Moultrie before saying Colquitt County needed gas from Sabal Trail, and even MGAG says that deal wouldn’t (yet) affect eminent domain.
Picking up where
the VDT left the MGAG Sabal Trail gas eminent domain story,
Winnie Wright waved the bloody letter on WCTV yesterday 2 December 2014,
New Sabal Trail Project Has Many South Georgia Residents Worried About Eminent Domain,
and after quoting the eminent domain threat from that Sabal Trail attorney letter, said:
Rodgers’ attorney wrote a counter letter arguing that unless Sabal Trail provides gas in the State of Georgia, they cannot exercise Eminent Domain rights in Georgia. They also argued that Georgia law requires “special procedures” from pipeline companies. One of those “Special Procedures” being that the pipeline company would have to obtain a Certificate of Public Good and Necessity. Many are now wondering, with Sabal Trail installing two natural gas ‘taps’ for Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia, or MGAG, in Colquitt and Dougherty counties this week, will they be able to cite Eminent Domain and force local land owners to hand over their property?
“Eminent Domain is something that requires a certificate from FERC, and right now we have only submitted our application. This is simply a step for us to do that survey work and we’re taking this one step at a time”, says Andrea Grover, Director of Stakeholder Outreach for Spectra Energy.
MGAG says it has accepted Sabal Trail’s offer for two taps on their pipeline when it’s built, but say they are a long way away from providing that gas to residents of South Georgia.
“Taps do not provide gas in to the state. That would require a meter station in the future, so I’m not an attorney, not involved in Eminent Domain, don’t believe the side taps should have any impact at all on that issue”, says Michael Frey, Chief Operating Officer for MGAG.
However, one local official says he knew nothing about the taps or the need.
“There’s been no discussion about any of the ramifications of whether we’d want it, or whether we wouldn’t want it”, said Moultrie Mayor, Bill McIntosh.
Residents with concerns about the pipeline are encouraged to attend tonight’s Moultrie City Council meeting in City Hall at six.
MGAG backfiring much, Spectra?
Short Link:
I first learned of this pipeline last week on WCTV news, therefore I’m sure that most citizens are as unaware of it, and the danger that comes with it as I was. I am a life long resident of Thomas County and this pipeline would run within 10 miles of my home. I think it is not a good idea and I strongly oppose it and stand firm with the property owners this will affect. Once again I got the message about this Moultrie City Council meeting from from WCTV news at 5:45 PM Dec. 2, 2014 I knew that I needed to take action so with 10 miles to go and 15 minutes to get there I hauled tail to Moultrie. When I got out of my car I hit the ground running as I made it to the meeting just in time to speak. Short of breath and ill prepared I voiced my opinion about this bad idea there is nothing good about these pipelines and the Fracking that is going on all over this country so now I have become the environmentalist and I ask the citizens to join in the fight and support SpectraBusters, and I ask WCTV to Please give us a little more than 15 minutes notice about meetings.
I called Thomas County and their City Council will meet Tue. December 9th at 9:00 am at the old Courthouse third floor for public to speak. People please don’t think that this may not be your problem are affect you, as Thomasville is an alternate route. So please send a letter to Kimberly D Bose, Secretary; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First St. N.E. Room 1a; Washington D.C. 20426 Thank You and Best regards
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