Update 2014-11-17: board packet.
Three citizens spoke against the unnecessary and hazardous Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline. Several Commissioners even spoke up in Other Business, turning it into de facto Commisioner Comments. But none of them called for a resolution or ordinance against the pipeline.
The subdivision rezoning still got no objections, while the rezoning for agricultural use got massive objections and a compromise solution.
The emergency security monitor replacement is, you guessed it, a no-bid contract with the same company that originally installed them. Which fits with the no-bid Alapaha Water Plant Expansion, back this time for property acquisition after twice failing to get a setback variance at ZBOA.
The state changed the qualifications for the South Georgia Community Service Board, so they have to appoint somebody new (Commissioner Marshall “volunteered”), and three seats are expiring or vacant on the Development Authority, so they appointed three replacements. No not that other Development Authority formerly known as the Industrial Authority. The numerous special tax lighting districts are all different, ranging from no-brainers to table it. And there was a deadline of November 16th for them to take effect this year.
All that and a Parks and Rec proclamation, health premiums, an upgrade to the jail overseer, several state-mandated plans, and some replacements of the MIDS bus system fleet.
Here’s the agenda, and below are the videos of events as they transpired, followed by a video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session and the LAKE videos of the 27 October 2014 Planning Commission meeting.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Video. It was a full house (very rare).
4. Proclamation – VLPRA
Video. VLPRA acknowledged by Georgia Parks Association. Also Suzan Prince was volunteer of the year.
5. Minutes for Approval
6.a. Appointments – South Georgia Community Service Board
Video. They appointed Demarcus Marshall.
6.b. Appointments – Development Authority of Lowndes County
Video. They reappointed Jerome Waters and Crawford Powell and they appointed Clay Griner to the vacant slot.
7.a. Public Hearing: REZ-2014-17 Grand Bay Estates
Here’s the board packet item, thanks to County Planner Jason Davenport in response to an open records request. He said in the meeting it was ready to approve. Nobody spoke against. Herndon Company spoke for the applicant. Commissioners approved the rezoning unanimously with the staff-recommended conditions.
7.b. Public Hearing REZ-2014-18 White, Whitewater Rd
Video. Here’s the board packet item, thanks to County Planner Jason Davenport in response to an open records request. See separate post for what happened.
7.c. Special Tax Lighting- Grove Pointe Phase IV
Video. Unanimously approved.
7.d. Special Tax Lighting District—Walker Run
Video. Unanimously approved with conditions.
7.e. Special Tax Lighting District – Frank’s Creek Landing
Video. Quite a bit of discussion. Unanimously approved with conditions.
7.f. Special Tax Lighting District – Kinderlou Forest Phase IV & V
Video. 129 lots instead of 130. Unanimously approved with conditions.
7.g. Special Tax Lighting District – Nottinghill Subdivision
Video. Unanimously approved with conditions.
7.h. Special Tax Lighting District – Glen Laurel Phase III
Video. Tabled until 9 Dec 2014 meeting per staff recommendation.
8.a. Section 125 Plan Document Renewal for 2015
Video. Passed unanimously.
8.b. Sheriff’s Office Position Reclassification
Video. Passed unanimously.
8.c. Section 5311 Rural Transportation Progra m Capital Contract
Video. Passed unanimously.
8.d. Title VI Assurances for Lowndes County
Video. Passed unanimously.
8.e. Title VI Plan for Lowndes County
Video. Required by federal highway administration for counties with population over 100,000. They wanted to grow, now they have to deal with it. Passed unanimously.
8.f. Adopt a Policy for Competitive Negotiation Qualifications
Video. Required by federal highway administration and Georgia Department of Transporation. Applies only to projects with federal funds; not to SPLOST-funded projects. Passed unanimously.
8.g. Authorization for Chairman to Release Eligible CHIP Liens
Video. Passed unanimously.
8.h. Property Acquisition for Alapaha Water Plant Expansion
Video. Utilities Director Mike Allen said “it has become evident†that they need to expand the property to meet setback requirements. This became evident after they applied twice to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance. Passed unanimously.
8.i. Replacement of Security Video Monitors
Video. Passed unanimously.
9. Reports-County Manager
Video. Sign in the foyer to be used on SPLOST projects. Created by sign department in Public Works.
10. CWTBH – Robbie Dixon
Video. A first-time speaker against the Sabal Trail pipeline said he had been approached by their contractors asking to reroute the pipeline onto his property, which would take about half his property. See separate post.
10. CWTBH – Michael Noll
Video. He asked the Commission to pass a resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline. See separate post.
10. CWTBH – James J. Parker
Video. Why should we let this foreign corporation Sabal Trail run roughshod over us? See separate post.
Other Business, Commission Comments, Meeting Adjourn
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Pipeline, agriculture, lighting, appointments, and parks
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 11 November 2014.
Short Link: