Terri Lupo. South Region Vice President at Georgia Power, has provided further information on Valdosta converting to LED streetlights.
She said on the telephone yesterday that
Georgia Power met with Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson last week.
Georgia Power plans over next four years to change out all the streetlights
in Georgia, from high pressure sodium (or whatever they’re currently using)
to LED lighting.
She says that will be more efficient, and will provide more
light, with a better pattern of coverage.
Valdosta had already expressed interest, so they were one of the first
to join this LED streetlight program.
She said it’s not surprising Tim Carroll was a little vague on the details, since Georgia Power is still working those out for this new program. The time frame depends on when the manufacturer can supply the equipment: probably some time in the middle of next year (2015), maybe first quarter. She said:
“I think this is a very positive thing for us to do this. I think the cities will like it.”
She added that the light will have a GPS chip that will tell Georgia Power when the light is dimming or is out.
“That will have advantages for us and for the customer, also. Because now the customer has to call us, and the lights will inform us directly.”
This Georgia Power press release of 8 October 2014 is also related, Georgia Power hosts “Change a Light, Change the World” pledge drive. That PR is about end users, but it also indicates Georgia Power is doing things to change over old-style lights to more efficient, energy-conserving, and money-saving versions. Plus that LED streetlight GPS self-reporting feature. And that PR coincides with the stock price going up of Southern Company, Georgia Power’s parent company, so it could even be more evidence that investors care about conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy.
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