Duke Energy reps couldn’t answer any questions beyond their canned
presentation, not about water use, not about their permit application to FL-PSC
for a new site, and not about Sabal Trail pipeline routing.
But the Suwannee County Commission passed their requested resolution
anyway for a pair of new natural gas turbines.
Update 16 September 2014: Here’s video of Debra Johnson’s find:
Mr, Oxendine (chairman) announced at the end of the meeting that “they are not ignoring the Sabal Trail Pipeline and its threat to Suwannee County. Mr. Oxendine also stated “he has instructed Mr. Harris and Mr. Prevatt (County Attorney) to evaluate the situation and consider doing something similar to the other counties that have passed resolutions and ordinances against The ST pipeline in their counties.” Next meeting tomorrow night Tuesday 09-16-2014 at 6pm.
Someone (apparently county staff) introduced
the Duke item in the agenda below:
for the construction of two new simple-cycle combustion turbines and associated equipment as well as a 40 by 100 administrative building. The turbines will be fueled by natural gas….
It’s Duke’s existing land plus a bit more they’ve bought.
Local resident Debra Johnson
asked Duke to withdraw their plans.
Bobby Pickels,
District Manager, North Florida, Duke Energy,
said they were currently in negotiations with “another company”
on the purchase of an alternate site,
and that would still have to get approval from a “regulatory agency”.
So they were continuing to pursue the Suwannee County project.
If the other project gets approved, “obviously we would have to
re-evaluate” the Suwannee County project.
Debra Johnson then wanted to know “is there any plan to run Sabal Trail’s pipeline through that area?”
Amy Dierolf,
Lead Environmental Specialist for Duke Energy,
said “the existing gas at the facility” would be used to fire the new turbines.
She was “not aware of any details” of Sabal Trail supplying gas to the facility.
A Commissioner wanted to know about new water wells and water use.
Dieroff said they “would withdraw water from the Suwannee River for cooling”.
They would drill new wells rather than draw more water from the river.
She was not aware of how much.
The idea was to retire old wells in favor of the new wells.
The Commissioner wanted confirmation that there would be no water withdrawal from the Suwannee River for the new turbines. She confirmed that.
He wanted to know why wells rather than river water. She said the groundwater was better quality for process rather than cooling.
He wanted to know how much water. She said “a minimal amount” of water.
He wanted to know about dirty waste water.
She said it goes into a holding pond already on the site.
And domestic wastewater from the operations building would go
into a septic tank.
The Commissioner said he wasn’t concerned about the septic tank, rather the turbine water. Once again “I don’t have those numbers.” She added they’d have to get a permit from the DEP.
He wanted to know about noise: increased decibles? She said it shouldn’t, and she could get more details if needed.
Debra Johnson wanted to know since Duke had announced in the press that it was going to drop the Suwannee County plant and Sabal Trail had said it was going to change the route of the pipeline, could Duke please address those things.
Bobby Pickels
seemed to have some trouble understanding the question.
The question was how does potential siting of this facitlity impact the route of Sabal Trail?
Debra Johnson
clarified that on the day
that Duke made its announcement (26 August 2014)
about moving its new turbines elsewhere,
Sabal Trail sent a letter to FERC about rerouting the pipeline
away from that area (actually two days later, 28 August 2014).
(26 August was the same day FERC directed Sabal Trail to find paths
that did not cross the Withlacoochee River in Florida.
Debra Johnson added that her question was whether the permit
would have any impact on that routing.
Pickels said he had no knowledge of that and he was not familiar with any
potential impacts.
Johnson said she just wanted to make the board aware of that.
With no further discussion, the Commission adopted the resolution Duke had requested.
Then the Chairman(?) commended Duke for including in their submission answers to all the questions necessary for the adoption of the resolution. Nevermind the other questions asked at the meeting that Duke couldn’t answer.
You can come see Duke’s plant for yourself from the Suwannee River,
10 AM Sunday 21 September 2014, in
the WWALS outing down the Withlacoochee and Suwannee past both
the current Sabal Trail pipeline proposed crossing points.
We don’t know quite where the newly-proposed Suwannee crossing point will be yet.
Note that anyone from the audience, not limited to local residents or property taxpayers, can speak, and on any agenda item. Makes you wonder what the Lowndes County Commission is afraid of, doesn’t it?
Here is video of the first hour and 26 minutes of the meeting, a playlist for the whole meeting, by Debra Johnson.
Here’s the agenda for that 2 September meeting
as posted in the Suwannee Democrat 27 August 2014:
TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR September 2, 2014, 6:00 P.M.
Pledge to American Flag
· The Board may add additional items to this agenda.
· Affirmative action on any item includes authorization of Chairman’s, or designee’s, signature on all associated documents.
Speakers from the audience will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak on items listed within this agenda following recognition by the Chairman and must speak from the podium. Comments must be limited to items listed on the agenda and speakers may only make one (1) trip to the podium regarding each item they wish to speak on.
· For general updates or questions regarding County business contact the County Administrator during regular business hours (386) 364-3400. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:
1. August 19, 2014 — Regular Board Meeting
2. Approval of payment of processed invoices.
3. Approval of annual Certification of Resolution (2014) and Adoption Agreement (2014) for Section 125 Premium Only Plan.(Cafeteria Plan)
4. Approval of amendment to the Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement for July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 with FDOT.
5. Approval of Certificate of Acceptance and distribution of Subgrant Award for FDLE Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $46,881.00 for Suwannee County Drug Task Force for Sheriff’s Office.
6. Approval of Resolution and Joint Participation Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation to update the Airport Storm Water Master Plan at the Suwannee County Airport.
7. Approval of requested funding in the amount of $74,326.34 to the Suwannee County Tax Collector.
8. Approval of Certificate Regarding Matching Funds in the amount of $944.27 as a prerequisite for obtaining a Federal Election Activities Grant in the amount of $6,295.14.
9. Approval to distribute funds collected from the sale of “Florida Arts” license plates to Live Oak Artists Guild, Inc.
10. Approval to purchase an ambulance and equipment from Frazer, Ltd. (sole source) in the amount of $184,175.00 for Fire Rescue.
11. Approval of Interlocal Agreement between Columbia, Suwannee, and Hamilton Counties regarding Suwannee Valley Transit Authority.
12. Approval of designated signatures for Enterprise Zone documents and reports.
13. Alvin Jackson, Economic Development Director
14. Adoption of Resolution proclaiming August 29-30, 2014, September 5-7, 2014 and September 12-14, 2014, as Suwannee Professional Fire Fighters “Fill the Boot Day[s].”
15. At 6:30p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, consider adoption of resolution approving Special Permit # SP-14-09-01 by Amy Dierolf of Duke Energy requesting a Special Permit for Utilities and Related Facilities on property zoned Agriculture-1. (Ronald Meeks, Planning & Zoning Director)
16. At 6:30p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, consider adoption of an Ordinance, amending the Official Zoning Atlas of Suwannee County on a parcel of property owned by SEMC Properties from Commercial Neighborhood to Agriculture-1, application number LDR 14-03. (Ronald Meeks, Planning & Zoning Director)
17. Discuss, with possible Board action, Request For Proposals for signs to be located at the Judicial Annex, County Administration Building and the Public Works Building in Branford. (Commissioner Gamble)
18. Additional Agenda Items . The Chairman calls for additional items.
19. Public Concerns and Comments. (Filling out of Comment Card required, and forward to Chairman or County Administrator. Speakers from the audience will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak following recognition by the Chairman and must speak from the podium — one (1) trip to podium.)
20. Board Members Inquiries, Requests and Comments.
21. Administrator’s comments and information.
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