They appointed
the Chairman’s personal pick to the Construction Board of Appeals.
Nelson Hill unknown tinkerings to the code were finally withdrawn.
In the unedited video you can see the few speakers the Chairman allowed
to speak about
the Roger Budd and Leninco Francis Lake rezoning for Family Dollar,
and that there was actually some rationale for why the approved the rezoning.
Thanks to Toma Hawk for this video of both the Work Session and the Regular Session.
Here’s the agenda with a few notes.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
[Regular Session Start 18 minutes 14 seconds.]
- Minutes for Approval
[Regular Session Start 18 minutes 22 seconds.] With unscheduled welcome of new Commissioner Clay Griner District 5.
- Work Session — July 21, 2014
- Regular Session — July 22, 2014
- Appointments
- Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals
[Work Session Start 25 seconds.] County Manager Joe Pritchard said at the Work Session that Mike Vickery had expressed interest in being appointed. He didn’t say how Vickery knew there was an opening or who he was. We can guess he’s the one of Vickery Plumbing, 3508 River Chase Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602, (229) 242-9820, but as usual whatever is in their board packets about this appointment they did not deign to show to the llttle people who pay their salaries. Also, if this is Tommy Radney’s seat, apparently Radney did not want to be reappointed.
[Regular Session Start 19 minutes 39 seconds.] In the Regular Session, Mike Vickery spoke, saying he’s a plumbing contractor for about 30 years, about 25 of them in Valdosta and Lowndes County; married, three kids; wants to see what’s going on around here. No questions from Commissioners; motion by Raines; second by Evans; unanimous approval.
Chairman Bill Slaughter said he had served on that board and there was a lot of good work to be done there. Vickery volunteered from the audience that he could hardly say not since Slaughter had twisted his arm. Which tells us what the Commission didn’t: Vickery knew about the opening because he was hand-selected by the Chairman.
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2014-13 Nelson Hill Subdivision, Val Del Rd., PD Amendments, Water/Sewer, ~100 acres
[Work Session Start 1 minute 1 second.] County Planner Jason Davenport said the applicant had already withdrawn the communications tower part and now they had stated in writing that due to negotiations they had accepted various conditions “that you have in your notebooks” that somehow required no action by the Commission, so they didn’t act. Once again, the little people paying for this show don’t get to see whatever was in their notebook. Here’s this Nelson Hill REZ-2014-13 at the Planning Commission 2014-06-30. We still don’t know whether the second half has to do with those staff waivers from 2009 and 2011 with no public hearings.
[Regular Session Start 21 minutes 37 seconds.] In the Regular Session they were a little more clear that the applicant had completely withdrawn this item.
- REZ-2014-14 Roger Budd Jr, Lakes Blvd (SR 376), R-10 to C-G, Water/Sewer, ~4.2 acres
See separate post.
- For Consideration
- ACCG IRMA Program Renewal (annual property and liability insurance renewal)
[Work Session Start 11 minutes 11 seconds.] Human Resource Director Kevin Beals presented. Commissioner Raines had some questions about coverage per occurence. Commissioner Marshall had some questions about how claims were tracked.
According to the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia:
ACCG Interlocal Risk Management Agency is a pooled risk-sharing program designed to fill the needs of county governments and authorities for property and liability coverage. The members join together in contributing towards the ACCG — IRMA Fund, which is dedicated to providing cost-effective risk financing, greater stability, more flexibility, and quality loss control services. The Fund is owned by its members and is managed by a seven-member Board of Trustees who are representatives from participating counties.
Remember the county has this liability insurance next time they say they have to vote for a rezoning because the developer might sue. They don’t: they’re insured for that.
[Regular Session Start 59:57] Commissioner Raines said he thought it was a very good policy, moved to renew it with option 2 to increase deductible and decrease premium from $615 to $565. Chairman said he wasn’t sure there would actually be any savings from that because claims had been high lately. Raines said he thought Beals had said the opposite the previous morning. Then he changed his motion to option 1 for unchanged deductible and premium. Marshall seconded. Unanimous approval.
- Beer License — Maruti Nandan Inc. — 3832 Cat Creek Road
[Work Session Start 16 minutes 56 seconds] [Regular Session Start 1:03:22] It’s the Amoco station at the corner of Cat Creek Road and Bemiss Road. The usual change of ownership. No questions or discussion in either session. Marshall moved to approve; Evans seconded; unanimous approval. Why didn’t Raines make the motion? He’s the Commissioner for District 2. Or District 5 Clay Griner. It’s in their districts.
- Acceptance of Infrastructure for Creekwood Subdivision
[Work Session Start 17 minutes 50 seconds.] County Engineer Mike Fletcher said developer has sold out the rest of the lots in this subdivision off of highway 376 in south Lowndes County, nd neither developer nor homeowners’s association is willing to maintain the remaining infrastructure the county didn’t accept back in October 2006, so they expect the county to accept it now. Commissioners had no questions, apparently willing to do that sight unseen. We’ll see if any emergency fixes pop up on future agendas.
Minutes of Work Session 23 October 2006:
Resolution Accepting Infrastructure for Creekwood Subdivision Phase I, County Engineer, Mike Fletcher, stated that a request had been made by the developer and that all the necessary information had been received.
Minutes of Regular Session 24 October 2006:
Resolution Accepting Infrastructure for Creekwood Subdivision Phase I, County Engineer, Mike Fletcher, stated that the developer had met the necessary requirements for the county to accept the subdivision infrastructure. Commissioner Carter made a motion to accept the resolution, Commissioner Lee second. Motion carried.
[Regular Session Start 1:04:10] County Engineer Mike Fletcher was absent. County Manager Joe Pritchard said what wasn’t previously accepted was two dentention ponds, that staff had now inspected them and recommended approval. Commissioners without any question or discussion unanimously voted to do so.
- Reports-County Manager
[Work Session Start 18 minutes 07 seconds] [Regular Session Start 1:05:20] “No additional report.”
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
No citizens spoke in this item.
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