Only two cases, both Lowndes County.
Johnny White withdrew
his request to rezone to agricultural.
GLPC tabled
REZ-2014-13 Nelson Hill.
Vice Chair Diondra Nichols is moving to Las Vegas.
a county appointee, so expect to see an appointment
on an upcoming Lowndes County Commission agenda.
Here’s the agenda. The date on the GLPC agenda for the following Lowndes County Commission Regular Session was wrong; should be 8 July 2014 (see the videos of that LCC meeting). That incorrect date confused GLPC Chair Johnny Ball, as well.
Here are links to the videos of the 30 June 2013 meeting of the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC), followed by a playlist.
Call to Order
Invocation, Pledge
1. Approval of the Minutes: May 27, 2014
2. REZ-20l4-12 Johnny White
Video. Withdrawn.
2. REZ-2014-13 Nelson Hills Subdivision
Video. Tabled for 30 days until the 20 July 2014 meeting at applicant’s request. The tower half of it might get withdrawn entirely, but that was still under discussion. Chairman Johnny Ball apologized to the many people who were there to speak in the public hearing, saying he and the GLPC didn’t know beforehand that it was going to be tabled. He also asked how citizens could know which meetings to attend. County Zoner Carmella Braswell said they could always call her office to get status of a case. She also recommended they attend the upcoming Lowndes County Commission meeting. Many of them did; see videos of the 8 July 2014 LCC meeting.
Other Business: recognize vice chair Diondra Nichols, moving to Las Vegas
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Half Nelson Hill and rezoning to Agricultural
Regular Session, Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 30 June 2014.
Short Link: