None of the appointees spoke, but all were appointed unanimously,
and they unanimously approved
a landfill expansion item without ever seeing a site plan.
Ray Devery and Barry Barr to the
Library Board,
Sheila Wakeley to the
South Georgia Community Service Board,
John Sineath to the
Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals,
even though Valdosta’s web page says he’s a city appointee.
They also unanimously approved everything else: a grant for help getting a grant, re-evaluation of all rural agricultural tax assessments, the annual mosquito testing contract with VSU, and the landfill public hearing clarification item about the hearing of the public notice already posted for 17 July 2014.
Here’s the agenda, with some notes, and links to the videos.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
Minister Commissioner Richard Raines actually said he liked a government led by the people. Perhaps the people of Florida, where many people tell me he’s moving.
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Appointments
- Lowndes Library Board (2)
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said the term of Barry Barr expires 30 June 2014, 4 year term, reappointment. And the other applicant is to fill “a one year term” presumably referring to what he said yesterday, “to fill a vacancy”. The second applicant is former Library Board member Raymond Devery of VSU; see the previous morning’s Work Session for more about Devery. At that Work Session Pritchard said both applicants would be present at the Regular Session. Neither spoke, but the Commission appointed both of them unanimously anyway.
Video. Then the Chairman thanked the mute appointees.
- South Georgia Community Service Board
Video. Sheila Wakeley was present this time, unlike at the Work Session. Commissioner Evans said “I talked to her already.” Commissioner Raines wanted to verify the applicant lives in Lowndes County. She does. They reappointed her unanimously.
- Valdosta-Lowndes County Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Video. Pritchard said John Sineath wanted to be reappointed for a three-year term. Yet Valdosta’s web page on that board says John Sineath is a city appointee. Also what about Tommy Radney, whom the city lists as a county appointee whose term expires in June 2014? Commissioners had no questions for Sineath, and he did not speak.
Video. Once again, Chairman Bill Slaughter took up time after they unanimously made the appointment, this time saying he had served on that same board.
- For Consideration
- FY 2015 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Application
Video. Required every five years. Takes two years to have all the meetings and get approval, so starting again even though just got last grant in 2012. This is for a $28,000 grant for assistance in applying for another grant. 25% match, which is staff time in meetings and such. Unanimously approved.
- Rural Land & Agricultural Improvement Schedules
Video. Board of Assessors has approved for 2015 reevaluating all rural land and agricultural improvement schedules. Seeking the Commissioners’ approval of the contract with the Board of Assessors and GMASS[?]. This was budgetted for this fiscal year. At the previous morning’s Work Session County Attorney said state law requires Commission approval of any contract between Board of Assessors and a third party. At the Regular Session, no questions and unanimous approval.
- Mosquito Contract
Video. Public Works Director Robin Cumbus said this was an annual renewal of a mosquito testing contract with VSU. Unanimously approved.
- Authorization and Direction to Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Evergreen Landfill
Video. This is about that public hearing already posted. The alleged County Attorney said the purpose is
to conduct a hearing for purposes of giving the citizens an opportunity to speak so that those comments may be submitted to EPD. The Board of Commissioners doesn’t have any involvement or role in issuance of the permit or approving the landfill.That’s interesting; is the county giving up its land use zoning authority? Is it mute about any concerns it might want to convey to GA EPD about the proposed landfill expansion? Those are at least two roles the Board of Commissioners could play.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall said he was asking because he was informed that land had been donated to prevent encroachment on Kinderlou, and that a modification to the westward could affect that.
As well as you know we have complaints about our trash as is, so when you’re talking about capacity, is it going to help improve the trash pick up?
Video. Commissioner Richard Raines made a motion to hold the public hearing for the benefit of ADS, just as he made all the other motions in recent years about trash collection, all in favor of ADS.
Video. After the unanimous vote in favor, Raines asked if County Planner Jason Davenport could provide a site plan for the Commission and the public to see. Which means he made the motion and the voted without a clue as to what the hearing was actually to be about. Chairman Bill Slaughter said:
I think Mr. Davenport could put us together a little packet of information that could kind of give you a little more background.I’m sure the little public thanks the little Chairman for the proposed little packet.
Commissioner Crawford Powell added:
Or you could attend the public hearing and you’d find it all.Maybe that was a joke, perhaps about the budget hearing of an hour before; the one for which the Chairman refused to release any draft prior, and for which the approved budget still doesn’t seem to be on the county’s website two weeks later.
- Budget
Video. Chairman Bill Slaughter referred to the the second and last Budget Hearing just held at 5PM, after which they unanimously approved the budget. And Chairman Slaughter once again spoke after the vote, this time saying he also supported the budget.
- Reports-County Manager
Video. No report.
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
Nobody wanted to be heard. So they adjourned.
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: budget, boards, and approvals
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 24 June 2014.
Short Link: