They wouldn’t say
what they would do to secure their own building after July 1st
when the Georgia guns-everywhere law goes into effect.
A split vote for not opposing the
Hahira annexation
recommended against by the Planning Commission
plus unanimous approval of everything else under
For Consideration, including
declaring some Finance computers surplus.
They voted to approve their
opaque selection of auditing services
and to buy
an unnamed firewall replacement
among other things for unknown amounts.
Maybe somebody should bring that up at the county Budget Hearings.
They reappointed Lonnie Denton to a sixth five-year term on the Lowndes Division of Family and Children Services (he spoke) and Willie Houseal and Gretchen Quarterman each to a third three-year term on the ZBOA (they spoke yesterday morning). Also Public Hearings for well and septic and a special events change to the ULDC. in their Luke Bryan balancing act.
Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes. See also the videos of the Work Session of the previous morning and the videos of the 27 May 2014 Planning Commission meeting.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Minutes for Approval
- Appointments
- Lowndes County DFCS Board
Video. DFCS is the Division of Family and Children Services. County Manager Joe Pritchard said Lonnie Denton had been on that board since 1989 and was interested in being reappointed. Unlike Work Session of the previous morning he didn’t mention “I believe he is currently its chairman”. That board has five year terms, so Lonnie Denton has already served five of them.
The applicant spoke, saying he’d been in Lowndes County since he was about five years old,
There’s one thing I learned in my early life; people are important, and I’ve always given back to the community. I’ve served on several boards to do that.He did say he was the Chairman of the DFCS board. Commissioner Crawford Powell moved to reappoint, Demarcus Marshall seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Pritchard didn’t say that he had also recommended reappointing Denton at the 8 June 2009 Work Session and at the 9 June 2009 Regular Session Joyce E. Evans moved, G. Robert Carter seconded, and “Motion carried”, presumably meaning Richard C. Lee also voted for him.
- Valdosta-Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals (2)
Video. According to the City of Valdosta’s ZBOA page, three seats are due for appointment, one by the City of Valdosta (Allan Strickland), and two by Lowndes County (Gretchen Quarterman and Dr. Willie Houseal).
County Zoning Administrator Carmella Braswell said the two county appointees had each already served two three-year terms and wanted to be reappointed. Both appointees spoke briefly Work Session of the previous morning At the evening Regular Session Commissioner Demarcus Marshall moved, Joyce Evans seconded, and the vote was unanimous to reappoint.
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2014-11 Montgomery, 2929 Burma St R-1 and E-A to R-1 and R-A, Well and Septic, ~5.8 acres
Video. County Planner Jason Davenport said the applicant wants to replace his manufactured home, and due to county zoning near Moody AFB it has to be on his own property, thus the subdivision request. Nobody spoke for or against and there was no discussion by Commissioners. Commissioner Richard Raines moved to approve, Demarcus Marshall seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
- TXT-2014-01 — Special Events, Fee Schedule, Pre-application Meetings, and the Zoning Map
County Planner Jason Davenport said much less than Work Session of the previous morning nobody spoke for or against, Commissioners had no further questions, and they approved the changes unanimously.
- For Consideration
- Hahira Annexation Request Agreement
Video. County Planner Jason Davenport said they had received signatures from landowner Fred Wetherington and his agent Laurence Nelson. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall moved to approve, Joyce Evans seconded, and the vote was 3 to 1 with Richard Raines voting against.
- Declaration of Surplus and Authorization for Disposal (finance)
Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black asked for the declaration. Commissioner Richard Raines moved, mentioning that they were mostly computers, Joyce Evans seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Commissioner Crawford Powell wanted to know for the record how old were the computers. Answer from IT Director Aaron Kostyu: 8 and 9 years old.
- Contract for Auditing Services
Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black said it was for fiscal year ending June 2014 and continuing for three year with an option to renew for two additional one-year periods. Five firms said they were interested; four presented proposals; staff went through ranking process; “the evaluation you see below” ended up with a recommendation for Henderson & Godbee. Commissioner Richard Raines moved to select Henderson &Godbee “of Valdosta, Georgia”, Crawford Powell seconded, unanimous approval. For very slightly more information see the Work Session of the previous morning
- Motorola Support Agreement
Video. IT Director Aaron Kostyu said this was the annual support agreement renewal for one year for the Sheriff’s Department record keeping, including for the jail. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know whose budget. Answer: IT budget. Richard Raines moved, Demarcus Marshall seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
- Firewall Replacement
Video. IT Director Aaron Kostyu said this was for a 13-year-old firewall that had suffered a catastrophic failure; they were using a single link with no backup; and the replacement would also provide additional services. No questions from Commissioners. County Chairman Joe Pritchard said the motion should be “to accept the quote and authorize the issuance of the corresponding bid”. Richard Raines moved; Crawford Powell seconded; unanimous approval.
Commissioners may be able to see it, but you can’t, and he didn’t say what make or model or price.
- SQL Software Purchase and Deployment
Video. IT Director Aaron Kostyu said this was for software, not hardware, and otherwise less than what he did yesterday (then he said this was for 78 backend databases for Eaton Systems, PCSS (courts), and others for Sheriff, Tax Assessors, etc. They physical hardware was installed in 2008 and ran out of warranty in 2011, so it’s time to upgrade, also the software, which is several versions old. He said he could leverage the county’s cisco computing hardware, but would need to purchase software and services.) No discussion. Richard Raines moved; Demarcus Marshall seconded; unanimous approval.
- Reports-County Manager
Video. No report.
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
Video. Gretchen Quarterman thanked the Commission for reappointing her to ZBOA and asked what was their position on the recently-passed Georgia guns-everywhere law that permits guns even in the Commission building as of 1 July 2014. She pointed out that in Georgia’s home rule environment the Commission could make a rule saying that no guns in the building, but they’d have to provide security to enforce it. As usual they didn’t answer.
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: DFCS and ZBOA appointments
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 June 2014.
Short Link: