What would happen if VSU applied for such a research grant?
According to its own PR of 19 June 2014,
Binghamton University receives $12.8 million for innovative energy research,
The NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage (NECCES) at Binghamton University has been awarded a $12.8 million, four-year grant, announced Wednesday by U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. One of 32 grants awarded for a total of $100 million to fund Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), it will help accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to build a new 21st-century energy economy.
One of 32 grants?
partner institutions are Georgia Tech, University of Florida,
and Florida International University.
Just like Binghamton is a partner institution for Stony Brook University.
Those centers were selected from more than 200 proposals from
across the country.
I wonder what would happen if somebody at VSU applied? Like Georgia Tech applied and became a FY 2014 EFRC.
Sure, VSU isn’t Georgia Tech.
But maybe it could be a partner institution.
Maybe there’s somebody who’s done renewable energy research, maybe including
patenting (WO2003079480 A1)
enzyme-based photoelectrochemical cell for production of renewable energy
also published as
“Enzyme-based Photoelectrochemical Biofuel Cell”,
de la Garza, L.; Jeong, G.; Liddell, P. A.; Sotomura, T.; Moore, T. A.;
Moore, A. L.; Gust, D. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2003, 107, 10252-10260.
Associate Professor of Chemistry Linda De la Garza.
I have no idea whether that would be the kind of thing DoE
is interested in, or whether she’d be interested.
My point is merely that maybe VSU has potential worth exploring.
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