What’s really not sustainable?
the “Agenda 21” talking points as an elected official,
even in
the most corrupt state in the union (Georgia).
Chip Rogers was top of the heap as the Senate Majority Leader, voting for all sorts of stuff to hold Georgia back, from eorgia Power’s nuke rate hike (CWIP) SB 31 in 2009 to sponsoring putting two constitutional amendments on the state ballot in 2012, including one for charter schools that would siphon off public school money).
Then he was caught promoting showing an “Agenda 21” talking point movie to legislators in the state capitol. He decided not to run for his statehouse seat again, and instead got appointed to a cushy job at Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) being paid so much more than veterans there that one of them quit.
Now according to Michelle Babcock in the Cherokee Tribune 4 May 2014, Former state lawmaker Chip Rogers was fired from GPB for violating policy.
“You have violated several employment policies of GPB relating to political activity, outside or dual employment, time and attendance, teleworking and the code of ethics,” the letter stated.
Maybe the downfall of Chip Rogers is one small step towards Georgia rising up off the bottom of the statehouse ethics heap.
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