Opponents to the
Brookhaven apartment building
rezoning packed the room,
like they did
at the Planning Commission meeting the previous night.
The Lake Park City Council tabled it,
asking the developers to go talk to the citizens.
The annexation request discussed at length at the 10 March 2014 Lowndes County Commission Work Session was on the agenda for last night’s Planning Commission but was withdrawn. It’s still on this agenda.
And they have Citizens’ Concerns not once but twice, which resulted in several citizens praising the City Council and staff, especially for the Lake Park Rodeo parade.
Here’s a link to the agenda for the 1 April 2014 Lake Park City Council Regular Session, followed by links to the videos in the order they actually discussed things, plus a few notes.
Pre meeting gathering
Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation
Reading of Street right of way closing (Eagle Crest)
Text Amendments / Land Use Table LP-2014-01
Rezoning / Brookhaven LP2014-02-26
Annexation case LP2014-02-25 — withdrawn
Video. This annexation request was discussed at length at the 10 March 2014 Lowndes County Commission Work Session and was on the agenda for the previous night’s Planning Commission but was withdrawn, so there was nothing for the Lake Park City Council to do.
Street right of way closing (Eagle Crest)
Text Appendment/ Land Use – LP2014-01 vote
Video. Tabled.
Brookhaven LP2014-02-26 — discusion and tabling
After tabling of LP2014-02-26 Brookhaven
More milling about
Council getting back together
Add real estate offer to executive session at the end of the meeting
Minutes & Financials + Rodeo –Citizen Christy Brownell Pres. LP Chamber
Video. Lake Park Chamber of Commerce President Christy Brownell thanked the Council and staff for helping with the Lake Park Rodeo.
Awesome Rodeo parade –Jeff Patterson
Video. Jeff Patterson also thanked them for an awesome Rodeo parade.
Ethics Committee Nominations + Purple Heart City
Video. Chad Green was nominated. And Lake Park is now a Purple Heart City.
Missed deadline for Community Block Grant & water valves
Video. Apparently the valves don’t work very well.
Department Reports: beaver dams
Video. Beaver dam problems.
Tree pruning went well
Police report: shoplifter, DUI, etc.
Fire report
Citizen David Brown Operations Manager at Lake Park Plaza
Citizen: Truck for sale in Nashville, GA –Julie Schindler
Video. The Mayor made even his wife (who was videoing from the back) say her name and address.
Adjourn into executive session for real estate and personnell
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Brookhaven rezoning, road closing, text amendments
Regular Session, Lake Park City Council (Lake Park),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Lake Park, Lowndes County, Georgia, 1 April 2014.
Short Link: