An Industrial Authority board member resigned to run for an office
he qualifed for the previous day, at a meeting that had apparently
been rescheduled the day before he qualified.
OK, who’s going to replace him, and when and by whom will that be decided?
Oh, and that rescheduling means there’s no VLCIA meeting today.
The Industrial Authority rescheduled its March meeting for Thursday last week at noon, and at that meeting, according to the VDT, VLCIA board member Norman Bennett said:
“I am announcing that at the end of the day today, I will resign from the Industrial Authority,”
Puzzled by that, I called the Board of Elections to ask if they had told him there was some conflict of interest. They said no, they had read about it in the newspaper like everybody else.
I asked when he qualified to run for District 5. Answer: March 12th, which was the day before he resigned from VLCIA at its rescheduled board meeting.
When was that meeting rescheduled? Their website gives no clue. But their facebook page notice of the new meeting is dated March 11 at 3:15pm.
What do all those dates mean? Probably nothing, since local appointed and elected boards reschedule on whims around here. But it’s a curious series of coincidences:
More interesting is: when and by whom will a new board member be appointed to the Industrial Authority?
Here’s the agenda. Maybe some year we’ll get to see their minutes. It’s been more than two years since Roy Copeland said he’d try to make that happen. He’s no longer Chairman (although he did get reappointed to the board), and another board member has just resigned. You know, that VDT editorial I’m fond of quoting was actually about the Industrial Authority’s minutes:
When officials act like they have something to hide, they often do….
Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority
Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:00 p.m.
Industrial Authority Conference Room
2110 N. Patterson Street
General Business
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Welcome Guests
- Regular Meeting, February 18, 2014
- Review Compiled Balance Sheet and Income Statements for February 2014
Public Relations & Marketing Update-Meghan Duke
- Public Relations Opportunities
- International Trade Representatives
- County Commission Presentation
- Marketing Opportunities
- Marketing Materials
- ValdostaLowndesProspector Mobile Site
- South Georgia Classic
Project Report-Allan Ricketts
- Project Maroon
Existing Industry-Allan Ricketts
- Existing Industry Visits
- Existing Industry Expansion Projects
- Project Wire
- Project Treadway
- JHS-14
- Community Business and Industry Partnership
Executive Director’s Report- Andrea Schruijer
- Business Development Opportunities
- Georgia Quail Hunt February 2013
- March Regional Marketing Trip to Consultants
- Recruitment activities
- International Representative Visit South Joint Regional Development Authority
- Staff Planning Session
- Board Planning Session
- Met with Department of Agriculture to discuss regional food processing activity
Attorney Report
Citizens to Be Heard
Adjourn General Meeting Into Executive Session
Adjourn Executive Session into General Meeting
Adjourn General Meeting
Mission of the Valdosta Lowndes County Industrial Authority
“Create an environment to attract new industry and promote the growth of existing industry to drive job creation and capital investment.”
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