speakers about
the Sabal Trail pipeline,
one about
water issues under Moody Family Housing,
request to do something about speeding
(good luck),
recognition (firefighters),
proclamation (purple hearts),
award (budget),
one rezoning
two contracts (bus system renewal
software master contract),
some but not all
streets accepted in Nelson Hill,
and no mention of the
Lake Park annexation request that took up at least five minutes the
previous morning.
For why John Page is no longer on the Commission, see the previous post with the agenda. Here’s the agenda again with links to the videos and a few notes. See also videos from the previous morning’s Work Session. And see also Lowndes County becomes third purple heart county in the state, by Matthew Woody, VDT, 12 March 2014.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Recognize Firefighter of the Year
Video. Firefighter Brad Cartee was honored for always wanting more to do, and District Chief Scott Colwell for organizing his branch.
- Purple Heart Proclamation
Video. Warren Scoby was presented with a proclamation by the Chairman. He also spoke in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard.
- Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said the county was once again receiving this award, and also recognized Finance Director Stephanie Black.
Curious how the County Clerk couldn’t find an accounting for landfill tipping fees. And even if they did have an accounting of that, closing the waste collection centers and suing a local business is hardly even penny-wise, and surely is pound-foolish. And strategy at that level is not the job of the Finance Director; it’s the job of the elected Commissioners.
- Minutes for Approval
- Public Hearings
- REZ-2014-04 Bennett Property, 7295 Hall Webb Rd E-A to R-1, Well and Septic, ~1.1 acres
Video. Withdrawn by applicant.
- REZ-2014-05 Ruth L. Nutt Estate, 5935 Bird Hall Rd E-A to R-A, Well and Septic, ~2.61 acres
Video. Nobody spoke against.
Former County Commissioner Richard C. Lee and Janice C. Lee spoke for, saying it’s a five acre tract next to where they live, cut out of a 57 acre tract 30-odd years ago. His father-in-law and mother-in-law lived there. They are deceased, and now the property is being divided among the heirs. They want to merge it with Mrs. Lee’s property, and due to the size, the rezoning is needed.
Video. I also spoke for, mentioning that I’d been through one of these things not too long ago, so I hoped this could all be handled smoothly so the estate could be settled. I mentioned to Commissioner Lee that he had once spoken up against a rezoning I opposed next to my property, so I thought I would speak up for the rezoning he was requested.
Commissioner Marshall moved to approve; Commissioner Raines seconded, all approved.
- REZ-2014-06 Cobb Property, 4799 Hickory Grove Rd E-A to R-A, Well and Septic, 3.65 acres
Video. Needed because of long and narrow lot size. Health Dept. testing was required and has been done. Planning Commission recommended approval. Nobody spoke against. Sandra Golden Cobb, the applicant, and Nicole Golden spoke for, saying they wanted the rezoning for her son. Unanimous approval.
- REZ-2014-07 Ed and Evelyn Lund, 4701 Knights Ferry Rd E-A to PD-R, Community Well and Septic, ~15 acres
Video. Rural Planned Development, for events. County Planner Jason Davenport mostly repeated a short version of what was said the previous morning at the Work Session, then handed out a revised site plan. If you want to see it, you have to file an open records request and wait three days. He also wanted to write in a permission for an outdoor concert related to some other celebration, such as a wedding. Commissioners Marshall and Powell had a few questions. Nobody spoke against. The applicant, Ed Lund, spoke for, remarking he had been handed the additional verbiage about five minutes before, but he had no problem with it. They spent almost ten minutes on this one. Then they approved it unanimously, with the additional verbiage proposed by staff.
- Grant Re-Application for the Rural Transportation Program and Associated Resolution
Video. County Engineer Mike Fletcher said this was the annual renewal, and:
In 2013 we had 28,822 trips by MIDS.It’s the county’s on-call bus system. Chairman had to be reminded it was a public hearing and to call for speakers for and against. There were none. Commissioner Joyce Evans moved to approve, and they all did.
- For Consideration
- Adopt Resolution Accepting Infrastructure for Nelson Hill Subdivision Phase II
Video. One road didn’t pass some test for inclusion and will be omitted this time. It will be in Phase II b. They renamed this one Phase II a. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know what the bond was. Answer: 10% of the construction cost in case anything goes wrong. Commissioner Crawford Powell made the motion, Marshall seconded, all approved.
- iVision Master Service Agreement
Video. IT Director Aaron Kostyu said iVision is a certified integrator of services for cisco, Microsoft, and others. Inititally they plan to use iVision for Microsoft SQL. This is a master agreement that handles legal wording and permits statement of work for further projects. No questions from Commissioners, who unanimously approved.
- Reports-County Manager
Video. No report. And nothing was said about the annexation request from Lake Park or options on approval of it, both discussed at length at the previous morning’s Work Session.
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
- There are things you can do about the Sabal Trail Pipeline –Mario Bartoletti
See separate post.
- Water issues under Moody Family Housing –Dr. Michael Noll
See separate post.
- Speeding on Academy Drive and Parkwood –Warren Scoby
See separate post.
- Attorney talks and citizen input? –Carol Singletary
See separate post.
- Adjournment
Here’s a video playlist:
Videos: Water under Moody Family Housing and Sabal Trail
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 11 March 2014.
Short Link: