Amusingly, when the VDT fixed the typos in their online story,
they redacted me and Gretchen right out of it.
I’m flattered!
Still, congratulations to the VDT on quoting a lot of landowners
(and a few others who remained unredacted),
and on putting this story on the front page.
Here’s an extract from the online version showing changes from the printed version (pictured) as if the newspaper had used standard blogging markup for changes after posting. Starting with the pullquote in the printed version, which they edited heavily in the online version:
Affected Land ownerLandowner Larry Rodgers said he has been trying to sell his property for a long time, and once heHe had an interested buyerand they found out about, but upon learning of the pipeline running through his propertythey dropped their, the interested party withdrew the offer.“Where do I go to file that complaint
!? Andwhosewho’s responsible for value lost due to property damage?” Rodgers asked. Peconom replied, “I don’t have an answer for you tonight, butwellwe’ll look into it.”
Concerned citizens Gretchen Quarterman said she was concerned about the pipeline moving Natural Gas that has been fracked, and the taking of property from private land owners to benefit a company that does not do business in Georgia. She also brought up safety concerns regarding sink holes, and proposed Florida use an alternate way of producing energy, such as solar “because as we all know Florida is the sunshine state.”
John Quarterinan asked FERC’s procedural questions, “I’m oppose to this pipeline because of the three biggest questions, ‘Do we need it?’ No. ‘Is there a better alternative?’ Yes. Solar Energy ‘Will it adversely affect the Environment?’ Yes. None of these questions have been addressed by FERC, and FERC should reject this pipeline, and it should have never even gotten this far.”
The next couple of paragraphs remain mostly unchanged.
Then there’s this useful clarification:
Kelley Clark
mentioned safety concerns and liability issues.said that Sable Trail is owned by Spectra Energy and they have had several safety issues in the past, but are a limited liability company, “If some- thing happens who are we going to sue?“ Clark asked. She also brought up the health concerns about the fracking process.
And they fixed this:
Dr. Michael
KnollNoll was the final citizen to speak at the scoping meeting, and he requested that FERC pursue renewable energy alternatives because the U.S. will eventually run out of its natural gas reserves. “We are doing this to ourselves, and it’s not American. We can do better. We can do better by our resources because they will run out,”Dr. Knollhe said.
So they fixed a bunch of typos, added at least one useful clarification, and removed two people entirely. I’m flattered!
Gretchen read the statement from the Lowndes County Democratic Party that WCTV wasn’t afraid to cover.
Most of the material that I used was from Sabal Trail solar and wind misinformation.
Danielle Jordan read Sierra Club Chapters Oppose Sabal Trail Gas Pipeline and said she was reading the Sierra Club statement, but the VDT didn’t mention that.
All of what everybody said is in the LAKE videos of the meeting.
Congratulations again to the VDT for all the quotes it did put in!
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