Multiple people reported clearing work at the site of the
Moody Family Housing project on Val Del Road,
with its
sinkhole next to an aquifer recharge zone,
not even
Moody Air Force Base can get in to inspect.
So we went out to look. There is clear cutting happening on Val Del Road (both sides) but it does not appear to be happening on the property slated for Moody Family Housing.
There has been clear cutting going on in the north of Lowndes County
for some time on large tracts near Skipper Bridge Road, Staten Road (near the
new river bridge) and on Val Del Road immediately south of the Moody Family
Housing tract.
It appears that most of those properties are owned by Natco LLC:
Parcel Number Owner Name Address Legal Information 0072 061 NATCO LLC LL 39,40 52-54 87 LD 10-2 0074 098 NATCO LLC LL 11 LD 11 0070 113 NATCO LLC STATEN ROAD LL 7 39 40 LD 11 & 12
The Lowndes Assessor’s Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assesment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. Website Updated: February 1, 2014
For example, parcel 0070-113 on Staten Road:
It’s mostly woodlands, currently owned by NATCO LLC, which got it through a non-market zero-dollar transaction from W. Emory Waters, Jr. NATCO is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State. The paper work is up to date and has been an active LLC since 1998, and its registered agent is W. Emory Waters. Nothing particularly unusual there, nor with the other NATCO parcels.
Now that Moody Family Housing plot on Val Del Road is owned by
Dasher Howard Company, Inc.
That’s a different owner, and so far there is no action on that property that can be seen from the road.
Short Link:
In the Northwest and Southwest of the most westerly boundary line of Nelson Hill Subdivision there are two well sites that had been previously deeded to Lowndes County for Deep Wells for Lowndes County Water Supply due to the problems at that time with the Well at Stone Creek location. However the test bore water samples came back with negative results due to surface water contamination entering the aquifer from all the fractures in the fragile lime stone basin and active sinkholes in that area, there is a sinkhole less than half of a mile south from where the test bores were done and it’s probably 90 feet deep. All this boarders the subject site Moody Housing.
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