EPA is convinced that the public wants answers, after dozens of citizens
turned out to ask questions at
Waycross City Hall 14 November 2013.
A study of contamination sampling is in peer review,
GA EPD and
GA Health Dept. are also involved.
Citizens and and
Satilla Riverkeeper and
WWALS Watershed Coalition are watching.
Matthew J. Huyser, EPA (l. standing blue shirt),
Jim Brown, GA EPD (c. standing white shirt),
Ashby Nix, Satilla Riverkeeper (facing Brown, paper in hand),
Joan Martin McNeal, (r. in group)
Roger Naylor, Public Relations Director for Southeast Health District,
is quite familiar with
Janet McMahan’s discovery of arsenic in groundwater
and says
Jane Perry of the state health department
is in charge of peer review for the contamination sampling
EPA’s Matthew Huyser mentioned; see below.
That’s the same Jane Perry who eventually confirmed enough evidence that
health districts across south Georgia
testing for arsenic.
See also separate post about the
Lowndes County Pecan Row landfill.
Jim Brown, Program Manager, Hazardous Waste Corrective Action Program, Georgia Department of Natural Resource (GA DNR), Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD), Land Protection Branch, mostly seemed to indicate EPA was in charge. See also separate post about the Lowndes County Pecan Row landfill.
Matthew J. Huyser, On-Scene Coordinator for U.S. EPA,
told me the main purpose of the meeting was to determine
whether there really was citizen demand for answers,
or was it just a handful of very vocal people.
His conclusion: yes, there were many citizens who wanted answers and action.
Plus he wanted to inform citizens that sampling has been done and
is still going on, and a study is forthcoming.
See also
separate post about EPA and the Lowndes County landfill.
Out front, keeping the attendance list, was
Sherryl A. Lane, Community Involvement Coordinator, EPA,
who was
cited in Enterprise online
as the EPA contact for that meeting.
See also separate post about the
Lowndes County Pecan Row landfill.
This meeting was requested by
Joan Martin McNeal
and the other organizers of
She was continually encouraging citizens and questioning the government
She expressed some disappointment
that there was no formal presentation and no opportunity for
the officials to answer questions where everybody could hear all at once.
EPA’s Huyser
did indicate there would be followup meetings.
This is serious business. Many people are getting sick and dying in Waycross. People want to know why.
Persistently questioning each government official was
Ashy Nix,
the new
Satilla Riverkeeper.
She is the contact for
Georgia Water Coalition’s Dirty Dozen 2013
about the Seven Out Superfund because it’s on that list:
Lurking within Mary Street Park, a tree-lined neighborhood park in Waycross, is a silent killer—toxic pollutants from a defunct industrial wastewater treatment facility known as Seven Out Tank. Opened in 2002, the industrial waste handler operated only two years before multiple environmental violations led to the facility’s closure. Now, after eight years and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) supervised cleanup of the industrial site, contamination still threatens the health of local residents, municipal drinking water supplies and tributaries to the Satilla River.
Also met there but not in the above meeting picture:
GA Rep. Ellis Black District 177 State representative Jason Spencer District 180
GA state Rep. Ellis Black (district 174).
This is where Black confirmed he was coming to the
SpectraBusters meeting against the Sabal Trail methane pipeline.
When contamination gets into a watershed,
whether from a hazardous chemical “cleanup” company
or a railroad or a pipeline,
it tends to spread into the aquifer, drinking water, wetlands, and rivers,
and maybe even into the air.
Perhaps EPA will be more thorough this time.
Joan Martin McNeal of, Satilla Riverkeeper Ashby Nix, and I (in my hat as a director of WWALS Watershed Coalition) were the last citizens to address EPA’s Matthew J. Huyser, reminding him: we’ll be watching.
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