In a surprise move, Commissioner Crawford Powell insisted
on showing the audience what the Commission was voting on
regarding extending sewer service for the Lowndes County Board of Education,
the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session 10 September 2013.
8.b. Sewer Service Requested for Lowndes County Board of Education
Utilities Manager Mike Allen said LCBOE wants sewer service for Lake Park Elementary to help out their failing septic tank; he recommended Option 3.
Commissioner Crawford Powell asked for Option 3 to be displayed or read. IT Director Aaron Kostyu noted that if there was a copy it could be projected. Allen moseyed over to the table by the podium with a copy, pictured here, with transcript below.
Option 3) Direct county attorney to draft two documents:
1) an extraterritorial request to the City of Lake Park for their consideration and
2) an intergovernmental agreement between the LCBOE and the Board of Commissioners (BOC) to establish an increased sewer rate and water meter upgrade per BOC specifications.If Lake Park approves the extraterritorial request, grant request by the LCBOE to connect to the existing sewer infrastructure.
(I made a point of thanking Powell after the meeting. He said he thought I would like that.)
Commissioner John Page remarked in the meeting:
I want to clarify that this was no cost to the BOC. This will be funded completely by the Lowndes County Board of Education.
Allen answered:
That is correct. The Board of Education will pay for engineering and construction and then deed the equipment over to the county.
Commissioner Joyce Evans wanted to know whether “Mr. Clark” had had an opportunity to view this option. He said from the audience that he had. See Work Session video for former County Engineer Charlie Clark’s explanation of all this.
Powell moved and Page seconded. Chairman Bill Slaughter remarked “we’ve had our discussion” and called for the vote, which was unanimously for.
Here’s the video:
Visible Option 3 for sewer for middle school
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 September 2013.
Short Link:
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