Seven Out Superfund site is not in any of the severe aquifer
recharge zones in Ware County, fortunately,
drainage from it goes right across Waycross into the Satilla River,
carrying who-knows-what pollution with it.
It’s time to find out what pollution, where it comes from, and
what plume of toxic chemicals it is making underground.
These maps are from Joint Ware County – City of Waycross Community Assessment, September 2010, SGRC, which is part of the Joint Ware County – City of Waycross Comprehensive Plan.
Recharge zones
Page 91 shows recharge zones for the Floridan Aquifer, all well outside the Waycross city limits. This doesn’t mean toxic chemicals aren’t getting into groundwater; it only means they’re maybe not getting directly into the aquifer below the surface water, so maybe the damage is somewhat limited.Recharge zones legend:
Drainage route
Detail from the flood map on page 96 shows drainage from the Seven Out plant site on 3 Folks Street apparently going to the creek in Folks Park at the corner of Mary Street and McDonald, and then zigzagging down the creek (and probably underground as well) across Screven Avenue and Plant Avenue to reach the Satilla River. And where else?Seven Out Superfund site (with tanks, lower center) and Folks Park (upper center) in Google Maps. If you zoom in, you can make out the creek going through the southeast corner of Folks Park.
Google streetview of the Seven Out site at 3 Folks Street, with water standing all over it; water that with a bit more rain runs off somewhere:
Map Legend (flood map):
Flood zones:
This is Map D-7 City of Waycross Flood Insurance Rate Map (Firm) Greater Ware County Comprehensive Plan:
Short Link: