the 22 July 2013 Work Session
Here is the letter discussed (“So at this point, in order to comply with the deadline submitted by EPD, it was necessary to go ahead and work with Lovell on this.”)
and approved (“The water is good, right?”)
at the
23 July Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission,
obtained through an Open Records Request by April Huntley,
plus a transcription.
You may wonder, as I do, why the county didn’t just put it online
along with the agenda, like so many other county commissions and
city councils do.
Transcription, mostly by Tesseract OCR, which even got the misspelling of Joe Pritchard’s name right. You may be wondering, as I am, why the county doesn’t put such letters on the web with the agenda, and as a parseable PDF instead of as a scanned image. I think we all know Jeffry S. Lovell did not compose that letter on a typewriter; it’s already in electronic format somewhere.
Lovell Engineering Associates, PC
July 24, 2013
Dominique Johnson
Environmental Specialist lll
GA EPD Drinking Water Program
Watershed Protection Branch
2 Martin Luther King Dr. S.E.
Suite 1352 East
Atlanta, GA 30334This correspondence serves as notification that Lowndes County has completed evaluation oftreatment alternatives for reducing TTHM/HAASs at the Alapaha Water System. Based on removal efficiency, current operational experience, and input from two public stakeholder meetings, the County has narrowed down the treatment solution to either a resin treatment technology or a chemical treatment approach.
The County began an eight (8) month treatment study beginning the week of July 15, 2013. The purpose for the extended pilot study is to confirm that the treatment process chosen will adequately treat seasonal variations in raw water quality at the site. Full-scale installation of the chosen technology, process control equipment, and other ancillary improvements will be completed by the end of March 2015.
Thank you for your continued assistance in this matter. Please contact Mike Allen (Lowndes County Utilities Director) or myself should you have questions or require additional information.
Jeffry S. Lovell, PE
Lovell Engineering Associates, PC
3998 inner Perimeter Road, Suite C, P. O. Box 2830, Valdosta, GA 31604, Telephone: 229.253.0900, Fax: 229.253.i842, Email:
CC: Joe Prichard— Lowndes County Manager Mike Allen— Lowndes County Utilities Director
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Pingback: The water is good now, right? –Demarcus Marshall about Alapaha Water Treatment @ LCC 2013-07-23 | On the LAKE front
Pingback: No-bid contract for Alapaha Water Treatment Plant @ LCC 2013-08-13 | On the LAKE front