The County has another wastewater violation, this time at the Alapaha River,
and is late in doing something about it.
Don’t be surprised if we see an emergency change order in a future session.
This was at the
Monday 22 July 2013 Lowndes County Commission Work Session; they vote tonight.
7.b. Letter to Environmental Protection Division concerning Alapaha Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
It’s because of a notice of violation from GA EPD, said Utilities Director Mike Allen, and he’d been working with Lovell Engineering on a letter to say the problem of disinfection byproducts would be fixed by the end of March 2015.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if
Lovell Engineering would be submitting “on our behalf, or would we be submitting it?”
Allen said yes.
Marshall wanted to know if they’d be doing the pilot study as well.
Allen said yes.
County Manager Joe Pritchard said
Commissioner, they have been representing us to this point. As you know we have talked to a number of engineering firms, one of which will be meeting with us this week. So at this point, in order to comply with the deadline submitted by EPD, it was necessary to go ahead and work with Lovell on this. And then if there is any change related to it we will make that information aware [?] as we report it back to you.
Get ready for an emergency change order for some tens of thousands of dollars: it’s the county way.
The county is late with its SPLOST list, too. What’s the common thread in multiple projects being late? Who’s the County Manager?
I asked Mike Allen before the meeting where this Alapaha Water Treatment Plant is.
He said it’s in the subdivision south of US 84 at the Alapaha River; he said drive in there and you’ll see it.
So apparently it is the upgrade
Reed Construction Data has for about $500,000
on US 84 as engineered by Lovell Engineering:
Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment The Work To Be Done Shall Consist Of Furnishing All Labor Materials & Equipment Necessary To Construct The Project Titled Alapaha Water Treatment Facility As Shown On The Construction Drawings In General Construction Consists Of Approximately 950 LF Of 6 PVC Watermain, Relocation Of 20000 Gallon Hydro-Pneumatic Tank, Valves, Fittings, Controls, Erosion Control Grassing, 2 Submersible Wells, Water Supplies Sulfide Removal Stripper Tank, 2 Booster Pumps, 16′ X 16′ Blcok Masonry Bldg & All Other Associated Apertures Necessary For A Complete Installation
What’s the common thread in information like this not being included with the agenda so the public can see what its tax money is being spent on? The County Manager, the County Clerk, and the Commissioners.
Here’s the video:
Wastewater violation on the Alapaha River
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 22 July 2013.
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