The county does have liability insurance that covers
all employees, including Commissioners, we learned
at the
Monday 22 July 2013 Lowndes County Commission Work Session; they vote tonight.
And the county is also adopting an ACCG plan for retirement for
a couple of new employees.
7.3. ACCG IRMA Liability Program Renewal
Someone (I couldn’t interpret the Chairman’s mumble) said it’s for both property and personal liability. This Interlocal Risk Management Agency (IRMA) program from the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) offers discounts. The question is $2,500 or $5,000 at $74,858 for a potential $7,000 savings.
Commissioner Crawford Powell wanted to know if there was history
going farther back than a year.
Answer: the underwriter [Marsh] also offered a $10,000 deductible,
but that wasn’t cost-effective.
Commissioner John Page wanted to know whether this plan covered
all employees.
It does. It covers your general liability, law enforcement liability, public officials liability, automobile, physical damage to property, equipment breakdown, and crime. So it’s total coverage.
ACCG describes this plan:
ACCG Interlocal Risk Management Agency is a pooled risk-sharing program designed to fill the needs of county governments and authorities for property and liability coverage. The members join together in contributing towards the ACCG — IRMA Fund, which is dedicated to providing cost-effective risk financing, greater stability, more flexibility, and quality loss control services. The Fund is owned by its members and is managed by a seven-member Board of Trustees who are representatives from participating counties.
Since its inception in 1987 at the request of Georgia county governments, Georgia law allowed county governments to pool their resources by forming a non-profit insurance fund as an efficient method of financing insurable risks, which ultimately reduces insurance costs for the members. The Georgia legislature has authorized the ACCG—IRMA to allow county authorities, regional development centers, libraries, and other similar government entities to participate in the fund. The ACCG — IRMA operates under the authority of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, et seq. 36-85-20, and is regulated by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance for the State of Georgia. The ACCG — IRMA is sponsored and administered by the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG).
The ACCG — IRMA estimates the anticipated losses for its members. The insurance premiums, which are allocated for the anticipated losses, are deposited and invested until such time that they are needed to pay claims. The funds, not used to pay claims and operating expenses, and the investment income earned on the premium belongs to the membership. Dividends are possible because of favorable results in the investment of premium dollars, and the successful management efforts on the part of the counties and authorities in reducing exposure by promoting safety and implementing loss control techniques.
7.f. Resolution for ACCG-GEBCorp Retirement Eligibility Amendment
Couple of new employees missed being in county’s retirement plan, and this deals with that.
Here are the videos:
Liability and retirement ACCG plans
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 22 July 2013.-jsq
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