Our future is in your hands.
Please approve Georgia Power’s coal plant retirement. Encourage them to move further beyond coal, investing in clean renewable energy that can drive our economy and save our generation.
Jim Ries wrote for One More Generation 23 June 2013, Please Switch to More Renewable Energy,
Carter and Olivia were invited to speak during the Georgia Public Service Commission IRP Hearing. Our friends from the Sierra Club and from Greening Forward asked Olivia and Carter to speak and to share their concerns with regards to the fact that GA Power is still focusing on burning more coal as opposed to switching to alternative power solutions like wind and solar.
As a monopoly, Georgia Power is regulated by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC)- made up of five elected officials. Every three years, Georgia Power is required to file an ‘Integrated Resource Plan’ (IRP) for approval by the PSC. The IRP lays out the company’s 20- year energy plan to generate electricity for the State of Georgia, including proposals to build new or retire old energy facilities. The PSC has the authority to reject, amend, or approve this plan as they see best for the customers and shareholders of Georgia Power.
What’s an IRP?
More detail in
the article.
Anyone can make a difference.
If we can, you can, too!
PS: And I’m glad somebody has caught on to handheld video of public meetings. Hey, it’s some people who don’t have to drive four hours each way to go to a meeting in Atlanta!
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