I guess some things are just not to be questioned, at least at this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Regular Session. However, although Commissioners did not, I do have a question.
5.b. Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority
County Chairman Slaughter:
“Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority Appointment.”County Manager Pritchard:
“The term currently held by Ashley Paulk will expire June 30th. Mr. Paulk has expressed an interest in being reappointed if the board so chooses.”

“Any questions?
OK, hearing none, let’s move on to agenda item number 6.”
I have a question. Why isn’t it listed by its actual name, the Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks & Recreation Authority, since it is one of those HB 489 authorities that were created to avoid duplication of services between Valdosta and Lowndes County?
Here’s then-Chairman Ashley Paulk 10 July 2012 saying VLPRA
“is totally funded by the county as one of the services the county provides county-wide, city and county”
Be that as it may, how does that change its name or its HB 489 status?
Meanwhile, back in 8 June 2010 when Ashley Paulk was originally appointed, it was a reaction to the Valdosta City Council appointing one of its own Council members, Robert Yost. But Yost isn’t on VLPRA any more, nor is any other Valdosta City Council member. So why now is this Commission reappointing Ashley Paulk to VLPRA?
Here’s the video:
Ashley Paulk to be reappointed to Parks and Rec. Any questions?
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 24 June 2013.
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