Here’s the agenda, with a few notes.
WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Special Presentation
- Minutes for Approval
No Commissioners had any questions or additions.
- Work Session — March 25, 2013
- Regular Session — March 26, 2013
- For Consideration
- Abandonment of Log Road (CR 8)
County Engineer Mike Fletcher said both sides of Log Road are owned by the Langdales. The Tax Assessor’s online datbase says Parcel Number 0254 002 N OF HOWELL RD W OF LOWER GRAND BAY RD is owned by Grand Bay Company, 612 N. Patterson St., Valdosta GA 31601, which perhaps coincidentally happens to be the address of Culbreth Minick & Associates PC. The Tax Assessor’s database also seems confused, since there is no Grand Bay Company registered with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. There’s a Grand Bay Distributing Company, a Grand Bay Management LLC, a Grand Bay Properties LLC, and a Grand Bay Farm, Inc., but none of them have an address on Patterson Street in Valdosta like Grand Bay Company.
Commissioner Joyce Evans wanted to know about a cemetery on that road. County Engineer Mike Fletcher said it was an extra cemetery for when the creek was too high for members of the Unity Primitive Baptist Church to cross to bury. Further clarification: the cemetery is owned by the Langdales, not the church. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know about access. Engineer and Chairman Bill Slaughter said there would be key lock access through the gate, and there were already other cemeteries like that in the county. Chairman encouraged Commissioners to go look. Crawford Powell wanted to know how the key lock would work. Engineer said there would be one key at the church that people could sign out.
- Deannexation Request, Houser, 2990 Stallings Rd, 148-58A, ~36 acres, R-15 (City)
County Planner Jason Davenport said deannexation requests didn’t happen very often, but this applicant had been serious about this for some time. He indicated the issues are much like an annexation, such as carrying any engineering issues to the new governing authority. Commissioners Joyce Evans and Demarcus Marshall had a few questions.
- Bid — Six Month Fuel Contract
New Purchasing Director Kari L. Sands, whom we saw introduced last month and whom I’ve been reminded until very recently was a reporter for the Valdosta Daily Times. Mansfield Oil Company was the low bidder. Contract will run from 15 April 2013 to 14 October 2014. A Commissioner (Raines?) wanted to know if the six month price was due to fluctuations in fuel prices. She said yes.
- Reports-County Manager
No report from the County Manager. Chairman asked for a couple of Leadership Lowndes students to come forward and say a few words, which they did.
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
That’s only in the Regular Session.
Thanks to Brett Huntley for taking the video:
Videos: Road abandonment, deannexation
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Brett Huntley for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 8 April 2013.
Short Link: