Local newspaper videos local government and puts it on YouTube!
They have city council, county commission, board of education
since September last year.
It’s the
Lanier County Advocate,
videoing the
Lakeland City Council,
Lanier County Commission, and the
Lanier County Board of Education, plus
Lanier County Historical Society
on their
YouTube channel.
And they put PDF of their paper paper online as well.About LanierCountyAdvocate
We are a weekly paper that comes out every Wednesday. Our purpose is to serve the citizens of Lanier County by keeping them informed on events and issues related to the community.
Ashley George – Editor
Lorene Warren – Office/Sales Manager
Nope, not the mighty VDT (too busy having a junior high school catfight with the City of Valdosta) and not the City of Valdosta (too scared people might see citizens talking to them) nor in Lowndes County (even though it bought all the necessary video equipment when it built the county palace, and demonstrated last December that it knows how to use it), hey, in Lowndes County the public’s business, like those Commissioner and Council packets, is only for old boys, not for the people who elected them and pay their taxes!
For comparison, the population of Lanier County is about 10,000, while the population of Lowndes County is about 111,000. Which to you looks more like a transparent forward-thinking community?
Congratulations Lanier County Advocate!
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